Message from @AnEvalach
Discord ID: 619551083441815553
post gear
@Rob post gear
ratnik sucks
Bro u milsim bro?
It's terrible
But I bought it for slav larping, not to use
Why a squishy squishy
Cause I've yet to find another pistol that I like shooting more
why are you taking pictures of a gun while driving
fucking retard
Nah hes a fag
HK sucks
Guns are not gear
I like shooting my 45CT 😔
also Silvias suck
That's a Skyline anyways
But Silvias are big cute
GTS-T or what
Easier to learn and break a 15k RB than a 35k one
Yeah they were hella cheap a few years ago
Still are cheap relative to an R really
But a 300zx TT is the better option if you just wanna go fast for 15k
Eh, picked up a GTS and an RX7 back in the day for 10k each
20b swapped FC pls
Gotta have my P O P S
the 13b could pop