Bubba Gucci

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its really a shitpost

2019-04-17 21:14:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Big Chungus

Yang is a meme candidate, prove me wrong

Any thoughts on the Mueller report

Sounds like a huge win for President Trump

I just canโ€™t help but wonder what we could have been doing for two years if we werenโ€™t hobbling the potus

so a comedian is the president of ukraine now

is this awesome? y/n

at least four realzes

2019-04-24 17:42:17 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #race-issues]  


Jerry wields his dick frequently in solo combat


@Gerry You do a lot of sword fighting eh


that was my guess anyway

you seem like a master baiter


i just said you seem like a master baiter

thats a kind of master

whats the right master

<:aoc_honk:565505602076278805> <:rbnazi:565539614165696524>

Itโ€™s a shame that people who speak up against the left face character assassination like Milo

It inevitably leads to a society where people canโ€™t discuss their political problems, and learns to fear and hate the other side

Thatโ€™s inane

He was the editor of brietbart

How much conspiracy do you subscribe to

You really think Milo was an agent provocateur who managed to get his character assassinated by angry SJWs because he is a leftist plant?

Thatโ€™s actually insane

They destroyed the manโ€™s life because they donโ€™t like his politics

People in here are chuckling because they think he had to *return his wedding ring*

Is that the America you want to live in?

Is that the kind of western society you want?

Youโ€™re proud of this awfulness?

Ooh now comes the name calling

Imagine being such a shit human being

That you rejoice over someone having to return their wedding ring

Because you donโ€™t like their politics

What was done to him was fucking evil

He was literally character assassinated by a coordinated effort in the mainstream press

NOBODY is clean enough to survive an oppo research and character assassination campaign on that scale

Thatโ€™s not at all what happened

They literally rooted around into his past as a teenager on the internet

I mean thatโ€™s pretty indefensible

First they came for Milo

But I stayed silent

Because he said something about fucking someone in the ass

Thus invalidating everything he stands for and says

And earning him the deserved scorn of the mafia left

Are you trying to divide the right

Were you even around for Gamergate?

If Milo wasn't a threat to the left, they wouldn't have spent so much effort trying to take him out.

Oh boy here comes more divide and conquer

I don't spend one fucking second of my time thinking about what is or isn't "alt right", because I'm not a douchebag leftist

The term 'alt right' is something nobody on the right gives a flying fuck about

And considers the silly attempt to paint conservatives with a broad brush that it is

You're literally using terminology the left came up with so they can lump thinkers on the right in with idiots like richard spencer

Richard Spencer isn't even political

Listen to him talk

He's just an idiot racist

If you can't tell the difference between that and conservative political thought, I think that speaks for itself.


@Deleted User Everybody here is basically a newb

Christian boi hell yea sir

Give me that old school, identity-free politics

Where individual character, not membership in oppressed groupage, determines how a person is looked upon by society

I feel like I need to remark on what it says about human beings that after (largely) winning the fight to be viewed as an individual, we now find ourselves trying to tear that achievement down and replace it with a new form of racism

That's true.

I mean, I hate to sound a conspiratorial note of my own

But I think that foreign adversaries have been sewing as much division as possible specifically to achieve that goal

If you can successfully turn every minority against the majority, over feelings of saltiness or whatever

You really cripple the society

I don't think it's that complicated, even

They just want us to fight amongst ourselves

America is basically impenetrable from the outside

But we can fall from within, same as anywhere else, as soon as we abandon the tug of war that makes America possible

And you can't tug if you're slugging the person tugging in front of you, or worried that the person behind you is going to slug you

That's where we live now

If you succeed, there is always some narrative that can be supplied that will cause a lot of your neighbors to absolutely hate you

It could just be, look at what a white male this person iis

Or it could be, look at what a minority this person is

That's how you get Russia running one of the largest Black Lives Matter groups on facebook, and simultaneously funding white supremacist rallies

They don't give a fuck about the issue, other than recognizing that it has wide potential to cause hatred and violence when amplified

Pretty much

So their favorite groups these days are the ones that sort of "work independently" on that goal when properly manipulated

The tankie communist antifa types are a prime example

So are the white nationalists

Both more or less openly say at this point that they are just working to create the conditions for a civil war

Its really sad that there is no coherence among the majority anymore, not even in terms of values.

Martin Luther King, Jr. may have been from a minority culture but he was able to speak in terms of the values of the whole

Nobody even TRIES to do that, now

Nobody cares about American values anymore, really

Its sad

Abigail Shapiro helps me confirm my sexuality

With her massive and magnificent Khazar milkers

2019-05-10 15:49:08 UTC [Rhetoric โ„ข #general]  


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