Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids
Discord ID: 554812530191761408
If you are born on this earth your freedom is an inherent right no matter what color you are it makes no difference and Caribbean girl you don’t have the authority to call me dude I am old enough to be your grandfather show some respect girlfriend
I don't hate whites
Then stop attacking them
For 18 years I shut people for a living you have no idea what it’s like
I'm not attacking whites
Then shut up about the subject otherwise your ass is going in cell
im attacking crayons
Assassins what's that
This is hilarious
I gave you my answer, i was not christian, but why did you ask?
JC isnt kidding i think
Every person of color black white red yellow whatever gets there saying on planet earth we are all equal in God’s eyes nobody has dominance over the other I will defend anyone’s right to free speech and a free life
All i see from you lately is whitey this whitey that you dont got anything else to say
@EzkealSutekh oh curious
A racist would say that a person's skin color can dictate what they can or cannot say.
White or black
sup irish
Sup Cat
I wanna be an assassin
Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world black and yellow green and white they are precious in his sight Jesus loves the little children in the world and that’s why they hired me to be a sniper to just kill everybody else
Jk. I couldn't kill
If it was kill or be killed you could do it
Good killing is not good
Who was denying that? @A Search for Roche's Rifle
Yaaa I could then
Or if it were to save others
You have to understand sometimes killing is not murder it can be self-defense in many different ways
Have you actually been in the battlefield? Just curious
It’s a shame that any life has to come to an end by killing the bad guy that has evil intent and harm to yourself your family or others somebody has the stacker step up and stop the threat and im that guy
It is better to sow the seeds of knowledge within our fellow men and women all over the world, the fruits harvested will benefit us all.
Remember when joining the army dont join the infantry
You become a big alcoholic
And your shirts get stolen
I didn’t join the army I joined the elite Marine Corps
Killing is unfortunately necessary sometimes :(
Im just saying because one guy i know whos in the army gets his shirts stolen all the time
The Marine Corps always lands first in the far away places and then we bring in the army to do the mopping up