Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 425800266906992650
Ye. I'd like reservations for whites where we eventually found our own nation
Mainland ones.
Not the ones in places like Alaska.
That sucks
Yeah, had a native friend, he was cool, would hunt ALL the time.
Would bring back whole trays of squirrels or other things.
Ye. Wild jerky is the shit
Wild Venison jerky is great.
Do we know what our future plans are? Any announcement I may have missed? DM me if it's not safe here
My natives friend's only weird aspect was him being highly suicidal.
Not in a emo sense.
But a weird sense.
Like Eric Harris suicidal or Dylan klebold
Someone say something interesting
White Africa seemed great.
Africa is a magnificient continent, the nature, and animals are superb and has such variation
But blacks ruin it.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is /ourgame/
I wish I still had my PC
Tfw Justin is abandoning georgia 😦
Tbh i will live the same distance from you basically lol
Yeah lmao
I live in a weird part of the state
My city is like 60% black
Getting on RS2: Vietnam right now actually
Just got home from work
I'm reading through old messages with my ex 2 years ago and laughing at how hilarious I was
Tfw you have no real ideology
This chat is bretty dead my dudes.