Message from @National Trotskyist
Discord ID: 385523144561262626
Lol what?
Nigga I'll kill you
No you cant
كس اختك
You think I give a fuck a about the law fam?
تلحس طيز حمار
I'm not canadian
Its true doe ^
Do u know my flag
Twas a better flag
What do you think of me
>Vote Trudeau cuz he's not Harper
That sure worked well...
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***johnnychimpo#8374 has been warned.***
Can you really be jailed for using the wrong pronoun and criticising islam?
@Pajeet Pai#4082 I would not be surprised if trudaeu was found to be smoking crack and weed.
We must hang Trudeau.
We went from a 5 billion surplus to a 30 million deficit. He is a degenerate and a leftist communist dog;l
@James_Solence I like your eternal leaf profile photo.
@yungnug#8969 Ahh, such is the nature of public rallies.
when did i have this what
can we all agree
that B.U.F. must thrive
canadian union must thrive