Message from @kaasci
Discord ID: 435436640211828736
@Vernyy That's some good bait.
thats real
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Stahlorn#3328 has been warned.***
@Deleted User Some real good bait.
But its real
95 percent victimless crimes
We're gonna protest to the BBC against the Strikes against Syria
We're starting by emailing [email protected] with song requests for Bahar Al-Assad
If you can't make yourself do it, make song requests for civilians killed by coalition airstrikes
We're also sending requests to the BBC to cover the backlash to [email protected]
Please spread this
Also keep emails civil, this is a protest not a raid
oh, thanks
We are working on it in USA too, comrade.
good luck, comrade
@kaasci I don't think spamming the BBC is going to change anything.
No, it won't.
but it'll be funny
Ehhh not really, in all possibilities, the most likely one is that some intern will select them all and put them in the spam folder.
Le 56% face
Amerimutts ftw
>Senile old man running out in the middle of the desert to look at a star while holding a red flag
Sure does describe your group.
what makes you think that he's senile?
@DA GOMMIE JOO#7269 He is a dirty and unshaved old man who ran out in the middle of a desert wearing a jumpsuit carrying a commie flag.
To him he is probably in the middle of a commie paradise.
I think you're taking this a bit too seriously
A server for socialists. With a dating part
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***yungsadgoy#6588 has been warned***
Bunny Den oh my
two english channels
This is why we need a reset button for humanity
This is why we should've kept nuking japan
Facts ^^
may day is comin up soon.