Message from @momothecactuslicker

Discord ID: 522425916257730570

2018-11-20 18:29:55 UTC  

Since there's no hebrew channel I'll post this in here. Since I am generally pro israel and fine with jews aswell as corporations and owners I am skeptical of all 4. But Im not dumb enough to think owners and corporations jews are out to get the west or other white people. If you're a jew then that's fine as long as you dont try to harm others or yourself. I dont care for race and to think jews are a problem when its clearly a bigger problem is a joke. The leftists can be right too, in the sense that some corporations have exploited workers and people and have gone far too powerful. If you deny this you're simply retarded. The fact that some are jewish doesnt reflect on the entire jewish community. Also as for israel, since its a close ally with america and have shown competence fighting arabs I support them and will give them the benefit of a doubt, for now.

2018-11-20 18:34:27 UTC  

Speaking of arabs, I also have some support for them being they're also competent and they fight iranians. I dont believe in the enemy of the enemy is my friend but I view it as taking out two birds with one stone. The reality is we cannot and should not rid islam by design. The best course of action is to let them figure it out and develop in their own area, this calls for a sacrifice of empathy of course. To think that me and many other right wingers do not care for all the children lost to such terror is not just wrong but idiotically so. And to think we like when an israeli soldier kills a child is even more so idiotic. Be it arab, african, jewish, whites, etc I am not okay with the deaths of any innocent, especially when it comes to women and children. But due to the amount of war in middle east which isnt caused by the west but Iran and saudi arabia among many other countries we need to protect our borders at any cost.

2018-11-20 18:34:37 UTC  

yo 😮

2018-11-20 18:35:07 UTC  

take a chill pill

2018-11-20 18:40:42 UTC  

That is a nationwide duty. Failure to do so is degeneracy. Migrants must be tightly controlled and not made in masses where the grip is too loose. And also Im not saying the west was completely absent in the faults of the middle east because there's been plenty of times where that was the case. However there's is other problems among the west because the west isnt the main contributor to their problems. There's religion and a whole lot of complex problems westerners barely understand. This is especially so when it comes to Islam which is why its up for a lot of debate. The truth is, europeans or westerners in general do not understand Islam, it is for the duty of our own people to know and learn about this in order to understand why islam is such a big issue. In order for middle east to evolve is to not leave them alone but to help both the persians and arabs recognize true strength, strength we know as western culture and morals aswell as ideals. And many people have adapted to it, but the only way I see the arabs and persians getting through this is by looking at the west's success and practicing it or by making their own culture better, but in order to do this best is by helping them. This of course means helping the most familiar side win which isnt easy due to both sides feeling alien in culture and morality for us.

2018-11-20 18:41:25 UTC  

🇮🇱 <----- nuke

2018-11-20 18:42:48 UTC

2018-11-20 18:43:28 UTC  

However we still need to involve ourselves to eventually resolve this issue as efficiently as possible all while of course protecting our borders and maintaining a tight grip on our migrants, which is again of course a huge thing we must sacrifice in order to maintain our own people's lives and general safety. This is not just a matter of life and death but also a matter of culture too, we must study the quran and islam as a whole in order to pick which is okay and not okay under basic western law and rights. This is why sovereignty is so important. And one must not confuse nationalism with patriotism, to love a country and people is fine, but to put a group above an individual is doomed to cause chaos. Respect and responsibility for the individual is and should always be sacred in the west. If its not then the whole hierarchal system will fall. And without a hierarchal system everything will fall. And if you look at communism where they tried balancing it more that also fall. Either way this is not up to state but up to individual and his freedoms. However his freedoms may be taken away if necessary in order to protect other individuals which is exactly what most western societys are and should keep doing so. The problem is that islam be it sunni or shia or whatever has and is threatening individual rights, such as gay rights, transexual rights, religious and racial rights in the west, we should logically try to prevent this for our own people's sake aswell as our owns.

2018-11-20 18:43:37 UTC  

I am chill.

2018-11-20 18:43:42 UTC  

And no, that's gay

2018-11-26 17:35:24 UTC  

@National Trotskyist fun fact, Italy supported japan's request for racial equality in the league of nations

2018-11-26 17:37:12 UTC  

Japan is fascinating

2018-12-05 23:40:18 UTC  
2018-12-05 23:45:40 UTC  

you when you take bbc up the ass

2018-12-06 15:38:58 UTC  

Behemoth \m/

2018-12-12 14:54:02 UTC  

i jyst found out netflix made a series about that poland would be like if we never exited the soviet union

2018-12-12 14:54:04 UTC  


2018-12-12 14:54:18 UTC  

its called 1983, supposed to be shit but ima check it out

2018-12-12 15:01:49 UTC  

Would still be in feudal times tbh

2018-12-12 15:02:03 UTC  

Oh never EXITED

2018-12-12 15:02:12 UTC  

I thought never got help from the Soviet Union

2018-12-12 15:06:37 UTC  

tbh it seems to be crap after half of the first episode

2018-12-12 15:06:42 UTC  

gonna keep watching

2018-12-12 15:06:46 UTC  

bc maciej musial

2018-12-12 15:07:22 UTC  

probably the only polish actor i respect

2018-12-12 15:07:26 UTC  

at least somewhat

2018-12-12 15:07:35 UTC

2018-12-25 16:08:44 UTC  

mr e

2018-12-26 02:26:20 UTC  


2019-01-14 16:37:17 UTC

2019-01-16 17:32:03 UTC  


2019-01-16 17:32:16 UTC  

Some butthurt dude reported it and account was removed.

2019-01-16 17:32:23 UTC  

Thanks G-d Wojak made a mirror of it before.

2019-01-16 17:33:34 UTC  

>This account has been terminated due to multiple or serious violations of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech.

2019-01-16 17:33:35 UTC  
