Message from @JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.)
Discord ID: 318618881407057920
there fixed
What's up Jtt
Nada. Getting some editing done, compiling all of my writing and notes to oneplace.
It's a mess.
Can we get my boy Skirner in here? He is part of the Lynhburg crew.
All 2 of us.
We roll deep.
Skirnir42 is his name.
you gotta send him an invite yo
How do I do that? His name doesn't show up from here.
Did he get dumped?
I got it, NM.
Trying to figure out these things at my age is always an adventure
I should be in bed.
It's hard to figure out and I'm 31
I get confused on discord constantly
You been doing pretty good so far
I figure it out eventually. You going to visit us Va goys sometime?
Yeah bro, gimme a time and place pm I'm there
We should have an event soon, coordinate something
I've got various family coming in for the weekends this month, but we can plan sometime after. Plus Skirnir is going out in the woods for a couple of weeks this month. Not a lot to do here in our town but we can plan something soon if you are up for it. I am trying to meet the Charlottesville TRS guys and other TWP. Unfortunately their meetups are on our work weekends.
I'm down for it
I need a Meetup soon, going a little nuts
Well please be patient with me then. A lot going on personally, but I will get back to you. We can go hiking, maybe do some propaganda, etc. I can feed you and maybe offer you a place to crash if I see you are sane. I have to protect my kids, so don't take it personally.
I don't take it personal brother
I also know a guy w/ some land (not red pilled) who might let us fire off a few rounds. Va is open carry.
i didnt wana post this cause someone might leak it but heres a permenent link, (i think)
if your friend have that link it should send them here
OK. I sent him the one that lasts a day. He should get it.
I'll call him tomorrow to make sure.
@JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.) Same goes for Nevada (minus Vegas and Reno).
Fuck I almost got arrested for open carrying.
Yeah, don't do that.