Message from @pingpong

Discord ID: 539600419769548811

2019-01-23 15:32:25 UTC  

Es ist Jagdwurst, also ist es ein "Jäger"schnitzel

2019-01-23 15:33:17 UTC  

Ich in österreich kenn mein jägerschnitzel mit champingions, und pur, nicht so.

2019-01-25 18:33:37 UTC  

@Apple O'Day Actually CNN is biased. But for news they are good.

2019-01-25 18:46:05 UTC  

yes i do agree with that

2019-01-25 18:46:23 UTC  

i agree :D

2019-01-27 11:38:49 UTC  

Heute wollen wir marschieren, einen neuen Marsch proberien

2019-01-27 12:00:38 UTC  

In dem schönen Westerwald

2019-01-27 20:42:12 UTC  

". But for news they are good." You mean the pre selected stories they push in your face to socially engineer you?

2019-01-27 20:42:20 UTC  
2019-01-27 21:05:34 UTC  

You ruined the Westerwald Marsch

2019-01-27 21:05:49 UTC  

Fucking jew

2019-01-27 21:08:38 UTC  

stop dwelling on the past, the german race is dead, so are the songs

2019-01-27 21:40:30 UTC  

I can't tell, are you a radical muslim or a jew

2019-01-27 23:38:08 UTC  

there is only islam!!!!!!

2019-01-28 02:59:58 UTC  

Fuck u

2019-01-28 03:00:30 UTC  

Ja, da pfeift der Wind so kalt!

2019-01-29 00:18:57 UTC  


2019-01-29 00:18:59 UTC  

Fuck you faggots

2019-01-29 00:19:03 UTC  

Muting me

2019-01-29 00:19:25 UTC  


2019-01-29 01:11:53 UTC

2019-01-29 01:12:33 UTC  

reed seej

2019-01-29 01:23:15 UTC  


2019-01-29 01:23:39 UTC  

RIP james, our pet SIEGEfag

2019-01-30 12:31:33 UTC  

We must secure the existence of our workers and a future for socialist revolution

2019-01-30 12:35:38 UTC

2019-01-30 12:35:45 UTC  

hail hoppe

2019-01-30 12:53:51 UTC

2019-01-30 17:12:54 UTC  

Oh man i never heard that one before, crazy new stuff you bring up!!

2019-01-30 17:13:05 UTC  

imagine actually believing bullshit like that.

2019-01-31 02:55:34 UTC  

This was 2015. prior to the influx

Based on Pew projections, which were proffered before the current migration crisis, the Muslim population of Germany was to have reached an estimated 5,145,000 by the end of 2015.

Adding the 800,000 Muslim migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015, and the 240,000 who arrived in 2016, combined with the 77,000 natural increase, the Muslim population of Germany jumped by 1,117,000, to reach an estimated 6,262,000 by the end of 2016. This amounts to approximately 7.6% of Germany's overall population of 82.8 million.

The Muslim population of Germany could swell to 20 million as early as 2020, according to the president of the Bavarian Association of Municipalities (Bayerische Gemeindetag), Uwe Brandl. His forecast is based on so-called family reunifications — individuals whose asylum applications are approved will subsequently bring between four and eight additional family members to Germany.

2019-01-31 02:57:03 UTC  

Imagine being so dogmatic brainwashed and stupid you cant see reality for what it is. It must be bliss

2019-01-31 06:10:17 UTC  

it is.

2019-01-31 11:44:50 UTC  

@Offender Why does it even matter? They are just as much people as anyone

2019-01-31 11:47:23 UTC  

You are the worst kind of Edgy. Edgy to make people upset and be a troll. You should be more understanding that there are funny edgy things that don't alienate others.

2019-01-31 13:12:14 UTC  

" They are just as much people as anyone"

2019-01-31 13:12:43 UTC

2019-01-31 13:13:09 UTC

2019-01-31 13:13:29 UTC  

@Aca Why do you support genocide you sick fuck?

2019-01-31 13:14:26 UTC