Message from @lll
Discord ID: 540928463222079498
ah, the hell that is being german
@Employment Birb if you have a German left-wing group we can create a channel for it and you can do whatever you want in there.
Germans wanting segeragation because they are intollerant. lmao
Intresting that the resident jew is basking in the suffering his ppl caused
They have been indocternated so much they actaully activly avoid facts
the indroctination of the germans began as soon as the end of the war .they were forced to go to denazification schools and watch war atrocity propaganda films(i think this is what its called) such as early holocaust hoax films that show shower rooms disguised as gas chambers and bodies of jews that were supposedly gassed
germans of all ages from as young as 6 years old up to 99 were forced into the denazification mind control schools
the world will not forget and many are waking up to this important truth
it only took 9 years for them to demoralize and completely change the german people .that former kgb agent was right
they began this work as soon as the war was over the very first year it ended
we can learn so much by doing so
Sieg Heil
back into the dresden firestorm
ooga booga
give my rights
three days, fellas
😥 so sad i cry everytime
Wait what’s that
bombardment on Dresden
war crimes of the americans
thats what it is
it ain't a war crime or american
they bombed the city, full of refuggees of other cities
the next day they fire bombed it
burning hundreds of thousands to dath
the next day they attacked the ppl fleeing from the city
i think churchill ordered it