Message from @💕❤❤💕
Discord ID: 435624731966701569
I once argued with a guy who said that nature was naturally ancap and that we should genocide the poor through eugenics or something and seemed to imply that even after the people who work for the rich have all been mercilessly slaughtered then the rich will somehow remain rich and everyone will be happy because the "superior" people only exist. Is this Randian Objectivism?
@Deleted User "He supported the anarchist groups in cambodia, who in return promised support to him."
I looked up several internet articles discussing the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot and have found nothing that mentions Pol Pot or the Khmer Rouge supporting Anarchism or having Anarchists within it. One snippet from a 1993 article mentions something resembling your claim but even then its set up to be just an accusation that was almost passively mentioned to begin with.
Also the one source that I found that mentions the accusation says that Chomsky objected the views of Democratic Kampuchea
Be glorious, our free Motherland,
A reliable stronghold of the peoples' friendship!
Banner of the Soviets, Banner of the people,
May it lead from victory to victory!
@K▲ISER Yhea that turned out real well!
Communism sure was spread!
Is anyone here an Anarchist?
NO nigga
I’m an Alabama nigger and I wanna be free
@💕❤❤💕 Hell to the NAACP.
Get that nazi shit outta yer boys
isn’t he in on the joke tho?
that’s what I’ve heard
It’s autism at its finest
the dude needs some help regardless
what the fuck are those moves
nazis have the big gay
I really want to know what he meant
Free markets means everyone gets a tent and a table
Did you not read the communist manifesto?