
Discord ID: 256962120380448779

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Just to let ya'll know: just because I have "Mao" in my name does not mean I am a Maoist.

Now that I got that cleared up, I hope you ladies and gentlemen shall welcome me

I already said this in the english server but I'm not a Maoist

You spelled syndicalist wrong

I thought leftism was blocked in India

Aw jeez barely 5 minutes into being on this server and I'm already in an argument

It's like having to beat the shit out of your mom as you're being born.

Fellers where can I find the rules?

Ok. Now where can I find the Juuls?

Do many girls even go on leftypol?

I mean leftism has a lot more appeal to women since it's had a pretty big role in feminism and socialist societies historically had better women's rights.

Girls are so great

I wish I had one

I don't but I do have aspergers, so I might as well be wearing one perpetually

Pretty much anyone who wasn't Russian usually became communists in Russia. They saw it as the only way to escape opression.

Same with a lot of other countries

When in that paragraph did I mention immigration?

I meant ethnically Russian

I was talking about the Russian empire

There are social and historical reasons for low average black IQs


Oh god, the autisticnave hypothesis

I'm not going to give a pseudo-intellectual autist who spends half of his videos using neocon-tier insults like "libshit" a chance

I've already seen a lot of his videos

Africa is fucked because the 1st world countries with crocodile tears in their eyes don't support them outside of giving them the crumbs and scraps thorugh charities.

Because they're being exploited

"Weh the soygoy lefty used a nono word"

Why are there so many /pol/acks in this server? We don't go into your autistic echo-chambers of Discord servers

Je mange le entier cul

And a fine ching chong to you too young lady.

I can't be racist if I'm part jewish

Idk, ask some females. That's what I would do

That fucking bastard George Soros forgot to give me my check and super-soldier pills today >;(

When I first got into politics and I told my grandma that I was a Sanders supporter she derided me and told me that he was basically a communist. Now look where I am now

Now she spends every night yelling at Trump on CNN

Dear god someone please take me to a country where we at least call actual left wing parties "left wing".

At least you guys probably have more than 2 parties

*more than 2 prominent parties

I just realised that "/pol/ politically incorrect" was in the server logo lol

I wanna get a CNT flag but I don't want to have to explain to my grandma what it represents. She knows I'm a socialist, but not that I'm an anarchist.

@Deleted User I want a CNT flag so I could put it on my wall. I have a couple ofther flags.

I had that name long before I was a Syndie. Also in what way is the idea of removing people who don't deserve power from power childish?

I know that the difference between anarchism and other ideologies is that we don't want to put another person in power after removing that authority.

>free for all terroristic shitfest

I don't see anarchism as the be all end all solution, just the best way to apply socialism that we can concieve.

Catalonia only went into chaos because of the Republicans destablising it.

Oh yeah it's not like the dictatorship of the proleteriat would become corrupt and authoritarian just like it has in practice.

What about the Zapatistas?

They've been around for like 20 years now and haven't descended into chaos


I may sound like a Le Creatura when I say this- but it's kinda because I have Irish ancestry. The Irish part of my family mainly came during the 17th century so it's kind of a stretch

Wiat there are actual Indians in here?

So apparently according to that second pic by not being a dick you're automatically selling out to Shlomo.

Is Bobby Shmurda a political prisoner?

You owned your car for 4 years. You named it Brad. You loved Brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together - 2 boyfriends, 3 jobs. You're like: nothing can replace Brad! Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance.

Good Evening, โ€œtimmythickโ€ was a 24 month sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.

"The people"

Are you RockingMrE?

I just had to explain what the CNT is to my grandma.

I literally transformed into a leftist the second I figured out what Socialism was

Si senor, y soy de rancho

You're in niglet land

Fortnite porn

Ta maman est homo

No of?

If I'm currently living with my grandma and she owned a small furniture store but is currently living in retirement then am I bourgeoisie?

Also my paternal grandma worked for a non-profit until she retired and my paternal grandpa writes books. They both hire a maid though. Does that make them bourgeois?

So are the bourgeoisie just the top 1% rather than 10%?

So kinda the top 10% then

Hitler was a black man who could jump high and ate fried chicken and watermelon

Je mange le cul

At least Churchill stopped the spread of Fascism.

Omae wa

Mo shindeiru

Anti-sectarian gang

Rightys will literally throw every stereotype of leftism at you before even making a point.

I probably live up to a lot of the stereotypes of my idelogy tho tbh

Or that we're all under 18

Or rich college kids, of course

Last night I was arguing with someone in an r9k discord and I had to go to bed. When I told them that they said "oh yeah well uh you lay down in your comfy bed cuz yur priveleged.

Also that same person said that my opinion was somehow invalid because I wasn't old enough to pay taxes.

Or maybe it was because the kulaks literally burnt their harvest so the soviets couldn't collectavize it.


There were no famines under Lenin though, there was a red terror(which was 3 times smaller than the white terror), but no famine.

So why are you talking about famines?

How can I organize a mayday rally in my town?

Yes ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ Trump daddy ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜

Eat dirt, nigward

We just have workers organise rather than give some of their stuff up to the collective when they have to

Can someone please explain to me how people under anarcho-capitalism couldn't just protect their property with weapons rather than relying in the state?

I'm not an ancap, far from it, I was just asking so I could have a better argument against ancaps in that situation.

No shit

Might be nothing but uh

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