Message from @I_❤_to_Starve_Ukrainians
Discord ID: 476132222789746694
mr e
more like mister faggot
More like
so where can I discuss with fascists?
Type "communism is nice" and they'll arise from their basements to bring back the glory of kekism
communism is nice
am i doing this right?
me too
@Deleted User who is/are you this and why do you do this?
i think this person blocked me
so see if you can contact them
hes a idoit he linked porn and a bunch of fascist propoganda
I'm a nazi
o k
What's wrong with that?
White race is the best race
nice trolling
Racism=anti white
i dont belive u
who invented the word racist
A racist
Certainly not a god damn nigga
i mean racism*
so u are real
@★Anarcho-Tak★im white
it was a jew named leon trotsky
aa communist jew
welp fuck yall byw
Fuck jews
Big nosed jew