Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 479394299692318723
What a loser
true gentlemen eat only the finest tendies
I don’t like nuggies
Or likes
europe took a bigger hit in 1991
Not at all
that helped Europe
Waaaay late but
>you must be really mad about that Castro guy!
Literally who? Except to Floridians. Had zero effect on the world past the missile crisis.
And lead to the Jews creating Las Vegas LOL
Picture makes no sense
All 3 of those guys are dead lel
Only western edge lords bring them up anymore
Be pretty sick airbrushed on a Cadillac though
@DA GOMMIE JOO commie scum
glad to see that the right is still making use of their stunning intellect
@DA GOMMIE JOO the right are dumb af
@John Rebuttal kys
@Deleted User bitch your stupid
@Heavybraindose565 your mum
Sounds like a 12 year old
I mean
Kaki Cracki
Yall seen that weird video with hannah hays?
@pushpins link
watching a pakistani nationalist and a radical centrist argue is entertaining to say the least
@DA GOMMIE JOO I'm not a nationalist