Message from @CATHBOL

Discord ID: 506293740739231745

2018-10-28 03:01:41 UTC  

inb4 "they're subhuman so they don't count"

2018-10-28 03:02:05 UTC  

and now that I've said that he's going to agree with it unironically

2018-10-28 03:02:47 UTC  

@DA GOMMIE JOO shuddup lefty

2018-10-28 03:02:49 UTC  


2018-10-28 03:22:00 UTC  

I wasnt referring to africa

2018-10-28 03:22:28 UTC  

I was referring to communists, genius.
You can tell by me saying communists.

2018-10-28 03:23:01 UTC  

@DA GOMMIE JOO no they're not. There's no such thing as subhuman. Unless you count pakistanis.

2018-10-28 03:23:20 UTC  

I do due to their goatfucking

2018-10-28 03:24:10 UTC  


2018-10-28 03:24:11 UTC  


2018-10-28 03:26:11 UTC  


2018-10-28 03:28:29 UTC  

fucking irish ape

2018-10-28 03:28:33 UTC  

go gag on a potato

2018-10-28 03:31:19 UTC

2018-10-28 09:27:38 UTC  

No such thing, and go gag on goat cock, goatfucker

2018-10-28 09:27:42 UTC  
2018-10-28 09:27:51 UTC  

my favourite artist

2018-10-28 16:53:43 UTC

2018-10-28 17:03:17 UTC  
2018-10-29 02:09:04 UTC  

@DA GOMMIE JOO that's a strawman

2018-10-29 02:30:34 UTC  

Whatā€™s going on?

2018-10-29 02:32:55 UTC  

Dumb ass teacher posted this shitty and inaccurate political compass

2018-10-29 02:33:04 UTC  

Where fucking anarchism was really right wing

2018-10-29 02:33:13 UTC  

Communism was really authoritarian

2018-10-29 02:33:20 UTC  

Mutualism was also right wing

2018-10-29 02:35:33 UTC  

same i also feel pissed with your teacher and the graph .he didnt add cultural marxism to the graph

2018-10-29 02:41:13 UTC

2018-10-29 02:41:20 UTC  

Progressivism is also right wing btw

2018-10-29 02:41:31 UTC  

And whatever the fuck ultra capitalism is

2018-10-29 02:41:43 UTC  

Or "anarcho socialism"

2018-10-29 02:42:18 UTC  

Or how nazism is between national communism, statism, communism and totalitarianism

2018-10-29 02:46:31 UTC

2018-10-29 02:57:01 UTC  

Cultural Marxism takes Marx's concept of class struggle, one of the most rigorous theories of social behavior, and applies it to something it was never meant to describe. Marx's theory is based in materialism and the relationships of power as they exist in the material world. Marx wrote about what's going on in reality behind the ideology. Critical theory pins the whole system on ideology. They are in no way Marxist, although they pretend to be, by sloppily applying Marx's class analysis to relations of race and gender (spooks) rather than the relations of production. This is why "Cultural Marxism" gets applied to them - they are taking the essence of Marxism and applying it to culture, which is completely nonsensical.

2018-10-29 02:57:48 UTC  

It tries to replace dialectic materialism with its own vague brand of mysticism. Suddenly class struggle isn't the center of conflict but instead a collection of metanarrarives without an objective truth. Critical theory is the source of identity politics.

2018-10-29 03:05:54 UTC  

Identity politics distract the working class and serve is a way for middle class academics to enrich themselves and preserve the status quo will pretending to be revolutionary. Class struggle is central to Marxist theory.

2018-10-29 03:06:01 UTC  

Cultural Marxism (also known as Freudo-Marxism, or Neo-Marxism) is what the Communists created in 1919 when they found that regular Marxism wasn't convincing people. Marxism made the people under it poor and many of the top people who promoted Communism were rich so Communists needed a new scapegoat. They made this scapegoat Europeans and European culture. They proclaimed that a complete white genocide and cultural genocide of all European influence would make the world a utopia. The people who came up with these all were Communists of Jewish ancestry, making Cultural Marxism a Jewish ideology.

Cultural Marxists came from the Soviet Union, went to Germany, then fled because of Hitler and went to the USA where they incubated and grew. Regular Marxists still existed. Communists still attacked the rich in the 1950s such as in Mao's Cultural Revolution where the wealth and descendants of wealthy had everything from sewing machines robbed from them and many were tortured and killed[1], but over time as Communists basically became rich Globalists of which Mark Zuckerbergāœ” and George Sorosāœ” are perfect examples. Both are basically the richest men in the world and push the Cultural Marxism in an Orwellian fashion (along with their ties to the US government) of attacking Europeans based on their culture rather than wealth. One quote that shows the Communist shift in scapegoating is when Bernie Sandersāœ” said in 2016, "If you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor."

2018-10-29 03:06:08 UTC  

What the USSR started in 1919, the Jewish Frankfurt School further developed in Weimar Germany until Hitler came to power, then they fled. The Frankfurt school decided on several things to scapegoat rather than class and wealth:

Europid/White people (gentiles only)
People with standard sexuality of society. (For a while this was only heterosexuality but then when deviant sexuality became the norm, Cultural Marxists shifted to promoting Islamic prudery.)
So what is politically correct and is claimed to be anti-racist, is in reality extreme bigotry and persecution of white gentiles, men, whoever is normal in society. This was not just pursued by the Cultural Marxists in First World countries, but by the Soviet Union itself. For instance the USSR started "Operation INFEKTION", claiming that white gentiles created HIV to kill off black people. Communists also have heavily been making black leaders their puppets, including Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.

2018-10-29 03:06:27 UTC  

Shut up

2018-10-29 03:06:45 UTC  

No, it critiques culture as culture. It ignores the base and applies the oppressor/oppressed dynamic between socially constructed identities like race. It completely ignores the material dynamic of oppressor/oppressed between the bourgeoisie and proletarians to focus on the ideological dynamic of oppressor/oppressed between, say, whites and blacks. These distinctions only exist in the first place as artifacts of history. Nothing about blackness (ethnically speaking) puts people into an oppressed class other than the history of which parts of the world dominated which other parts. An alternate universe where dark-skinned people went through a period of global colonialism that involved an institution of white slavery is possible. The reason history played out the way it did is because the material conditions set the stage the way it was (largely to do with geography and presence of resources). Critical theory ignores this.

2018-10-29 03:07:53 UTC  

humans will always identify first with our biology .do you even look in the mirror to like brush your teeth do you touch your body? do you cut your nails? do you put on cloths on your body? do you have eyes?can you hear? can you smell?