Message from @Brickiest Brick

Discord ID: 402779170930688000

2018-01-16 09:04:01 UTC  

uganda is doing alot better economically because they are using thier resources

2018-01-16 09:05:16 UTC  

also libya was a pretty sweet socialist country (Albeit a dictatorship) under gaddafi

2018-01-16 09:06:45 UTC  

but your arguement is not based off of logic

2018-01-16 09:06:50 UTC  

its based off of emotion

2018-01-16 09:06:53 UTC  

because one soldier

2018-01-16 09:06:58 UTC  

got to your sister

2018-01-16 09:07:18 UTC  

so you blame the entire race not very logical

2018-01-16 09:11:15 UTC  

also iq tests focus on not just intellegence but memory and attention aswelll other factors included

2018-01-16 09:20:55 UTC  

i dont hate you im not an extremist i understand why you think what you think its ok to cry its ok to your a brave strong woman who delt with that dont hold yourself down and dont blame innocents carry on with life you need it

2018-01-16 09:21:11 UTC  

i wish you luck sincerely - S

2018-01-16 09:23:47 UTC  

as for me im 75 percent white 25 percent other but yet my iq is past 110 -120

2018-01-16 09:24:28 UTC  

a little above average

2018-01-16 10:23:11 UTC  

if all minorities were taken out of the US

2018-01-16 10:23:21 UTC  

the US would have about an average iq of 101

2018-01-16 10:23:31 UTC  

but right now it's like 97

2018-01-16 10:23:42 UTC  

counting blacks and mixed

2018-01-16 10:46:35 UTC  

@Brickiest Brick#4893 if all minorities were taken out of the US it would be empty

2018-01-16 10:46:52 UTC  

The “white” Americans are probably 1/12 European at most

2018-01-16 11:00:08 UTC  

I mean I’m white, and all my friends are white

2018-01-16 11:00:16 UTC  

All our politicians are white

2018-01-16 11:00:37 UTC  

Sure there are a lot of 56%

2018-01-16 11:00:48 UTC  

But most overall are european

2018-01-16 11:16:58 UTC  

You are probably a mongrel

2018-01-16 11:17:25 UTC

2018-01-16 11:17:27 UTC  

You irl

2018-01-16 11:18:53 UTC  

Even as a 50% Bolivian, I would be the whitest person at a white supremacist/alt-right rally in the US

2018-01-16 11:56:01 UTC  

really made me think

2018-01-16 14:52:49 UTC  

@Firefly I think I got banned from there.

2018-01-16 14:52:57 UTC  

So not very friendly mods.

2018-01-16 14:52:58 UTC  

@Deleted User i dont think so

2018-01-16 14:52:58 UTC  

is u stupid

2018-01-16 14:53:00 UTC  

im owner

2018-01-16 14:53:06 UTC  

@Deleted User u arent banned

2018-01-16 14:53:17 UTC  

i no want mention that server is pretty shit

2018-01-16 14:53:22 UTC  


2018-01-16 14:53:46 UTC  

It won't be Intellectual if you advertise here out of alll places. There are the smart but there are also the really really dim about.

2018-01-16 14:54:01 UTC  

hello to all

2018-01-16 14:54:08 UTC  

@Deleted User Probably another server then, or I got kicked.

2018-01-16 14:54:16 UTC  

@Deleted User The hell is that PFP?

2018-01-16 14:54:18 UTC  

bluepill me

2018-01-16 14:54:31 UTC  

@Deleted User a million hours on ms-paint