Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 402903746125889543
Personally I like the schutzstaffel ones
lol a child
Yeah but nazis would not gas themselves in their deathcamps would they?
Memri tv > all
So it is better for them to go die in siberia
death camps for lev
Genocide is a myth
Pls watch
Gulags were never deadly
we need death camps for racists
It does no matter if the were not deadly
just stay there until you die
u guys hate jews?
i dont
so the nazi cancer stays confined in there
came to the right place
i just want capitalism
I wrote a few songs depicting the jooooz being gassed and such, I'm the next Eminem
damn nazis are like herpes
@cloraniax is a shill for zion
@GibberishPick one
they spread everywhere
and a pussy
@Deleted User is a lebo
palestine/israel needs to be rendered uninhabitable for humans
read siege by james mason
well these are lefty kikes
no man no problem
you can be both @Deleted User plus if you are racist along with a fascist you are a nazi gg
@cloraniax i think lebbos get more points
now go to gulag please