Message from @Vice Commander Hunt
Discord ID: 420662254136983552
It's true. some nigger hit me in the head with a rock
He would been a dead man
That's what you get for being big brained
That's what helmets are for
Bump caps
plastic Stalheims or death
Never again are we being told no helmets
Helmets and eye pro
@patron Saint of EATIN y u no show up as Online anymore?
Hey, who does the armbands?
Derrick, I think
No I do
If I bring reparation sheckles to the next monthly meeting, you think I can get an arm band? Pretty much everything else I can get on my own
Your rank sir?
Just a mere plebeian
I currently don't have any captains armband just Colonel, major and a few regular party members band
Just remind me before hand
Just a regular
official whomst to follow on gab list
Yeah I needs me an armband
And a t shirt
wish they would have put me on there
And stickers
@johanC email me a colonel armband pls
Lol xD
Let’s bring smoke bombs so we can gas antifa
Smoke bombs would work.. spray PCP on them and throw blood on them and completely wack em out
What's the legality of smoke bombs? That's interesting
@johanC looks badass in that video
Idk about the legality