Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 418233862406275072

2018-02-28 02:28:40 UTC  

I was religiously Jewish for like a month

2018-02-28 02:28:42 UTC  
2018-02-28 02:28:57 UTC  

Where's my fucking share of the world

2018-02-28 02:29:11 UTC  

Checkmate anti-Semites

2018-02-28 02:29:15 UTC  

@Anarchist-Communist Well what relevance does 4 blocks of crime rates in big cities have, where I have no context at all about the location?

2018-02-28 02:29:40 UTC  

@chill with that shit Generally when National Socialist refer to jews, they're not accusing all jews or religious jews, rather jews who make up 43% of the top 1% of america types

2018-02-28 02:29:41 UTC  

@Deleted User You didn't. Anyone can scroll up and see for themselves that you did no such thing. You made statements that contradict commonly accepted historical facts and failed miserably in providing justification for your position that doesn't rely on fallacious reasoning and outlandish assumptions.

2018-02-28 02:29:46 UTC  

@Deleted User @chill with that shit Is this what happens when two people who are trying to troll come face to face?

2018-02-28 02:30:04 UTC  

Fam @Deleted User, obviously all we jews aren't plotting to destroy the white race, but almost all the people pushing for heavy immigration, open borders, funding the left, and many other things are proven to be jews

2018-02-28 02:30:09 UTC  

I'm well aware @Deleted User

2018-02-28 02:30:20 UTC  

Or blacks

2018-02-28 02:30:22 UTC  

@Deleted User Look, if your point is race causes crime problems, why is there no problem here? What does size matter? Explain that to me.

2018-02-28 02:30:29 UTC  

>muh white genocide

2018-02-28 02:30:32 UTC  


2018-02-28 02:30:35 UTC  

@Deleted User Their is no way you could prove any of this you just stated. My statement in no conceivable way goes against accepted historical facts, relies on no falalcious reasoning and I did justify it

2018-02-28 02:30:45 UTC  

@Deleted User Explain to me what size matters at all. why is this area not violent due to size?

2018-02-28 02:31:02 UTC  

@Anarchist-Communist Well the data is going to be extremely skewed and therefore irrelevant if you just show me 3-4 blocks of a large city with their crime rates.

2018-02-28 02:31:22 UTC  

I feel you should pm me some sort of bulletin point response of your claims and maybe soruce them iundividually if you want ot talk about slavery, however, as it stands you're highly emotional and lack an in dpeth udnerstand as to how slavery economics work @Deleted User

2018-02-28 02:31:47 UTC  

@Deleted User Explain to me what size matters, why is this "3-4 blocks" not violent.

2018-02-28 02:31:55 UTC  

I'd honestly like to see the sources here

2018-02-28 02:32:03 UTC  

What sources

2018-02-28 02:32:05 UTC  

@Deleted User You have not ezplained to me why this skews data.

2018-02-28 02:32:06 UTC  

I'd just rather not participate in this argument

2018-02-28 02:32:13 UTC  

for him or me

2018-02-28 02:32:31 UTC  

I remember meeting @chill with that shit at a party for the first time. He walked up to me, shook my hand, and introduced himself: "You know, even though niggers are only 13% of the United States population, they account for over 80% of the violent crimes. Nigger chimps are subhuman scum that need to be shipped back to Africa." Then he offered me some coke. I didn't accept it, partly because I didn't have any money, but mostly because he wanted me to use his asshole as a straw.

2018-02-28 02:32:43 UTC  

@Deleted User I don't have to prove it, you did the work for me. And your arguments do go against accepted historical fact, as I pointed out above. Because you failed to defend yourself, you feel it necessary to resort to personal attacks on my character.

2018-02-28 02:32:49 UTC  

His sources would lilkey come from a non economics related website like salon which would just amke general statements about slavery economics without a clear in depth knowledge on how they operate @(((RobotWizard)))#3986

2018-02-28 02:33:08 UTC  

well I still want to fucking see them

2018-02-28 02:33:13 UTC  

Where are the mods

2018-02-28 02:33:15 UTC  

rather than pming between eachother

2018-02-28 02:33:18 UTC  

there are no mods here

2018-02-28 02:33:25 UTC  


2018-02-28 02:33:37 UTC  

Theres a bot

2018-02-28 02:33:57 UTC  

Srsly where are the mods

2018-02-28 02:34:02 UTC  

all it does is stop you from typing in all caps

2018-02-28 02:34:09 UTC  


2018-02-28 02:34:12 UTC  

@Anarchist-Communist And, you really are pulling one of the biggest strawmans ever, by cherry picking 3-4 blocks of a major city, in which crime rates are completely different, but because the data that you have is just from the area's in which crime is relatively low, it skews all of the data, making it have incorrect data, and obviously I do not know why the crime rates are different there, I do not know the situation in all of these blocks.

2018-02-28 02:34:24 UTC  

No mods?

2018-02-28 02:34:29 UTC  

@Deleted User Did what work for you? Also can you explain how my argument goes against accepted historical facts? I find that very hard to believe as I emply no historical revisionism whatsoever in my reasoning. Additionally, in an alternative universe where I actually don't take in acocunt historical facts, that would not be a good reply

2018-02-28 02:34:39 UTC  

@Deleted User Explain to me what size has to do with the data being skewed. Why is this area not violent?

2018-02-28 02:34:40 UTC  

@Queef Madagascar There is a moderator, that is the owner of the server