Queef Madagascar
Discord ID: 179038107172077568
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What happened to cc
Rouge mods?
Does anyone here think Trump is a neocon shill
90% of this board isn't even old enough to vote
>not a board
Trump is a neocon shill
What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to go through to not realize that
@ItalianStallion not an argument
Trump supports immigration, supports affirmative action, and has done nothing to stop the leftists fuckers
What happened to CC
We were tricked
Enjoy being cucked
The EU keeps scandavia afloat
USA healthcare is trash
I agree
@tsuke the war on Iraq was a collosal waste of money
It was all for oil
>nation building
Lmao have you *seen* iraq?
It's a shithole
Osama wasn't even from iraw
He was a fucking Saudi prince
It was obviously a front
For oil
How are you this bluepilled
Jesus fuck
Oy vey
So they Jews don't nuke us
~~is this real~~
Politics discord turned into CC
They changed the name and pic
Zucc 2020
Your not funny anymore
@ordosius thank
My pfp is my mum
Why is there a Socialist here
Holy fuck
>young socialist
>Alex Jones pfp
Are you Nat soc
It doesn't make any sense
Why would a multi millionaire just snap and shoot hundreds of people
^interesting read
Some Globalist are not zionist
Bill gates
Why will *this* mas shooting cause a civil war
Why didn't the others start a war
This theory doesn't hold up
@Zephial cold civil war? Who are the proxys?
A cold war has proxy armies
Antifa is not an army <:ThinkYourself:356316544734724106>
Oy vey the goyim knows
Facebook wanted to take it down
No it's not
It seamlessly transitions
That's not an echo
Echo has delay
"Definitely definitely was two shooters. Around the 1 minute mark you hear firing that produces slap-back as expected. Then it fires again but SEAMLESSLY and IMMEDITATELY goes into a location source that is a different distance from the camera. What this does is discredit the simple explanation of "he busted out two windows, remember?" - since there's not enough time inbetween bursts for him to change windows. He literally would had to have teleported windows in the middle of firing"
>4secs extremely close
>46secs distant
>1min 08secs extremely close
>1min 43secs distant
>in b4 30 second echo brah
At one minute mark
It starts close, then another round starts but far
It had no delay
Lifting for 2 years and I'm just fat
Also most women are taller then me
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