Message from @CatoHostilius

Discord ID: 410936336858742790

2018-02-06 16:34:35 UTC  

thats a rule that has worked well for me when it comes to the interwebs 😄

2018-02-06 16:37:27 UTC  


2018-02-06 16:38:22 UTC  

Elders of Zion is a fake

2018-02-06 16:38:29 UTC  

But its also real

2018-02-06 16:39:05 UTC  

The document itself is fake, but it is a distillation of what they actually believe into a form that the masses can digest more easily than the 5,000 page talmud

2018-02-06 16:39:10 UTC  

((( )))

2018-02-06 16:42:29 UTC  

i like your take on it @Hadrian

2018-02-06 16:42:37 UTC  

making jew sounds

2018-02-06 16:47:23 UTC  

Most of what's in the Protocols is also in the Talmud, just obscured by hiding it in other passages and using euphemisms so the goyim won't put it together

2018-02-07 22:58:28 UTC  

Hey. I was wondering if I could have some help with something.

2018-02-07 23:00:16 UTC  

I was wanting to write some fascist fiction with good messaging. I have a few stories in the works, but I have a hard time concentrating on one.

2018-02-07 23:05:42 UTC  

I'm somewhat of a writer

2018-02-07 23:08:15 UTC  

Cool. I have 3 that I am thinking of.

2018-02-07 23:09:39 UTC  

1. A superhero story about a captain America parody that becomes a fascist after learning that the world premier superhero organization is a haven for pedophiles and perverts. Time travel and a complex enemy will factor in later.

2018-02-07 23:11:11 UTC  

2. A fantasy (setting could be space or medieval) about a young Prince who gets a call from his people's ancient God to leave their current home because it is going to be destroyed by an apocalypse

2018-02-07 23:12:20 UTC  

3. An adventure where a young scientist born in a subterranean city ventures out into flooded tunnels in his submarine trying to reach the surface while avoiding the lovecraftian monstrosities that lurk there.

2018-02-07 23:12:30 UTC  

As for number one, I tend to either go for more subtle themes that are apparent if you're looking for them. But it may work if you go to the extreme and parody the hell out of it.

2018-02-07 23:12:56 UTC  

Number two, The Aeneid style story is a classic, can't go wrong

2018-02-07 23:13:12 UTC  

Number three, I love Lovecraft, and underwater city is a great motif

2018-02-07 23:14:11 UTC  

Which one would you buy on Amazon if presented to you?

2018-02-07 23:14:17 UTC  


2018-02-07 23:14:46 UTC  

K thanks.

2018-02-07 23:15:17 UTC  

1 but it doesn't need time travel

2018-02-07 23:15:41 UTC  

@Hadrian the time travel provides motivation for the primary villain.

2018-02-07 23:15:43 UTC  

time travel stories get messy

2018-02-07 23:15:45 UTC  


2018-02-07 23:17:51 UTC  

You guys like Jewish Comedy, right?

2018-02-07 23:18:19 UTC  

Now that's some fanfic right there.

2018-02-07 23:19:13 UTC  

The connection was very real, but this Kike's narrative surrounding it honestly has me pausing and laughing often

2018-02-07 23:20:07 UTC  

Highest levels of Dr3

2018-02-07 23:22:43 UTC  

I think you might like this book – "The Crisis of the Modern World (The Collected Works of Rene Guenon)" by René Guénon Guénon, James R. Wetmore, Arthur Osborne.

Start reading it for free:

2018-02-07 23:27:00 UTC

2018-02-07 23:27:03 UTC  

Great book

2018-02-07 23:27:09 UTC

2018-02-07 23:29:15 UTC  

@Hadrian Um, WHAT?

2018-02-07 23:29:54 UTC  

I saw this in the discount rack at the bookstore last week

2018-02-07 23:30:15 UTC  

@Hadrian I guess nobody really cared for it.

2018-02-08 09:45:42 UTC  

Just read an article on this in Occidental Quarterly... If its all true, per usual, Im convinced that Hawlacaw$t stories are definitely projected folktales of Communist dehumanization

2018-02-08 21:15:52 UTC  

```"During World War II, the Nazis were supposed to have been the ultimate in
brutality and ruthlessness. But the fact is that they failed precisely because they
were not as ruthless and brutal as the enemy.

Almost all the guerrilla fighters behind Nazi lines have since turned out to be
Communists-and Jews. When these Communist "partisans" started shooting
German soldiers in the back from ambush during World War II and murdering
troops and civilians by blowing up trains, the Germans responded by shooting
some hostages, but almost always with a certain restraint. The inevitable result
was always a more bitter resistance by the Reds, because when you strike a
blow at a determined enemy, it must smash him completely-or it only fires him
up to greater resistance, hatred, and strength.

When you use terror, as the Jews know all too well, it must be total.

Observe what these Communist lovers of humanity did in the Katyn Forest in
Poland during World War II. The U.S. Senate investigated this unspeakable
atrocity, and you can check the facts in the U.S. Senate report on the massacres

As soon as the Communists overran Poland, the Jewish commissar in the Red
army gathered all the officers of the Polish army-not just the top ones, but
every officer in the Polish army-15,000 of them-marched them out into the
Katyn Forest, and systematically slaughtered them. They buried these 15,000
Polish officers in acres of mass graves.

When the Germans got control of Eastern Poland they found the mass graves.
They called in the International Red Cross to inspect the site right after they
found it, and then invited two top U.S. Army Colonels to see, with their own
eyes, this bloody evidence of the nature of the Jews who were leading our
"gallant Soviet allies" (as I was being told at the time). Roosevelt and his gang
gagged these two U.S. officers and threatened them with court martial if they
ever opened their mouths!"```