Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 386752028283764736
yeah Tennenberg^
Storming trenches is fun, plus charges across no mans land, we lack Realistic WW1 games
Or that new Tannenberg, its made by the same people.
That made Verdun.
Tannenberg and Verdun I think are the same company
They are.
Perhaps, but battlefield has always been a larger scale COD with vehicles, i do prefer it though, Battlefield 3 was great fun, never cared for COD.
BFBC2 was the shiiiiiit.
>bad guy somehow getting bad things to do bad things
*Every cod campaign
Day Of Infamy nigger
A game with a german campaign
I play it all the time.
It came out this year.
I have Verdun but not Tannenburg
Hey y’all . Just downloaded the app to chat with some based gamers
I have HOI4 a lot of Total War games, EU4. and a bunch of others
COD 2 was and still is my favourite cod game. You could play as the Germans in online multiplayer
I have that and the Great War mod
who wants it?
I dont think Steam supports it, does it?
I know you cant buy it on Steam, yah
Its my Favorite battlefield, so i was disapointed.
look at my steam account
Yeah, he is NAZBOL.
A White Nationalist that supports Soviet economics.
He was a all white communist state.
Neither do i.
Communism doesn’t work
Yeah um I'm Slavic, so
But this is for gamers, not political argument, you may discuss, but no hair pulling.
Still dont support it though.
old commies are great, the new ones blow chunks
I'm more center left than far left econ though