Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 442148159985156106
I really want to be excited about this
I do too but it's China
The CPC has been full of revisionists for decades
“We must win the advantages, win the initiative, and win the future. We must continuously improve the ability to use Marxism to analyse and solve practical problems,” Xi said
...If only
@When Things Aren't Right Go Left You filthy Trotskyite revisionist! You would support the son of a capitalist roader!
Although seriously, it's funny how he talks about oppression when there are workers jumping to their death due to the laborious and monotonous nature of their daily tasks and the poor pay that comes with it
Revisionists are often hypicritical
@NoCountryForAllMen#8084 >China
>Betrayed marxist socialism
>Became capitalist
>Exploits it's workers
>Has some of the worst working conditions and pollution on earth
>Workers are expendable at best
>Workers are also given slave wages
What a great and true marxist socialist country.
If this consistent event shows one thing, it is that marxist socialism will always be subverted by capitalism in the end.
It happened in the USSR, it happened in vietnam, it happened in cambodia, it happened it laos, it happened in cuba, and it has always turned out this way.
Realistically, it is doubtable that any marxist socialist country will ever exist again because of this, people don't want marxist socialism, neither do those in politics either.
Xi won't change anything, he may have implemented himself as dictator, but there is no way he will ever bring back marxist socialism to china.
Contrary to what china claims, they aren't communist, or marxist, they are hardly even dem socs, they are capitalists through and through.
hey guys
Hi dick
@Deleted User Ackchyually it didn't happen in Cuba. And some people believe China is just building up the productive forces before going full-blown commie again. That's even the official line of the party.
i mean, i think there's always the possibility that since China's exposed itself to globalism that there's not much hope for it now
same for cuba
I don't care what "some people" believe, there is no way that china will ever go marxist ever again.
The private sector in Cuba employs less than 30% of the population. Raul said he would like to see a "prosperous and sustainable socialism" which basically means something along the lines of market socialism. Diaz-Canel wants that too it seems, but many senior party leaders are against economic reforms. @Deleted User
slightly off topic, does cuba operate off of a system of labor vouchers or currency? ik they used vouchers at one point but i'm not sure if they still do.
They use the Cuban peso.
As well as the convertible peso.
thank you, that helps a bit when thinking
Most public-sector workers receive the Cuban peso with a minority receiving the convertible peso.
No problem. @mcstubbs
@Deleted User So then capitalism is present in cuba, and socialism dosen't even exist politically, thanks for admitting that.
@mcstubbs Vouchers I believe were used during the reconstrution period.
@Deleted User It's not so cut and dry. Technically speaking, it's economy is somewhere between socialism and state capitalism. And there are very strong Marxist currents in the Cuban Communist Party. Raul and Diaz-Canel may want to model the economy after that of China, but that doesn't mean it's happened nor does it mean it necessarily will.
So they want to make the country capitalist?
A "Socialist Market Economy" which some believe is a form of State Capitalism.
It is capitalism in pretty much every form, privately owned, little restrictions, and of course, exploits it's workers like slaves.
Interesting to see how so called communist leaders want to model themselves off of china, which has been renowned for the worst working conditions on the planet.
Not true. Their system is predicated on the predominance of public-ownership and state-owned enterprises within the framework of a market economy.
"state capitalism" is an entirely descriptive term
you can't make a state capitalist society
you have to be labelled as one