Discord ID: 421550158388396082
Greg looks so out of place
Like he's off to Valhalla 'n shit
Johan you may not be a big dude but I'm not going to pick a fight with you. lol
Death to America
Go the b3d d3gnerates
No bully on kameraden tho
So I haven't been online in a week I think.
How's everyone doing?
Anglin finally shut us down for good? 😛
>When you're so numbed by the horrors of Weimerica walking into possibly certain death via a communist riot you're just like eh.
Hail twp! Real deal folks👌✋✋✋
<:salute:390573776049274885> <:tradworkersymbol:374584413561946114>
Reminder that Greg was singing Erika to us but none of us new the Lyrics to march to it
Was it Greg??
He was! I was clapping to that shit👌
Anyone know the name of this based kike hating nog?
So hol up, Action is off TRS now?
I'm all out of the loop with the latest happenings
its on the tradworker site
drama is so gay
Sven confirmed hates NATSOC.
Or my opinion anyways.
Im not gonna say anything about TRS except ...... mmmhhmmm
Who cares about sven and Andrew. They aren't activists
Yeah, fuck those faggota.
Well I think it was good for us to have Action on TRS.
But whatever, Sven doesn't seem to have much of a backbone.
Its gay but the mission stays the same. We have to move forward with or without our lord and master Andrew Anglin giving us permission.
Heavy sarcasm
I just don't get it my dudes. I don't get why people think Anglin and Weev are such important people.
I'm not convinced if they went away that things would be much different.
Viva la muerte