Message from @Mr. X

Discord ID: 466021058982445056

2018-07-09 23:15:38 UTC  

Commies arent smart enough to be sarcastic

2018-07-09 23:15:39 UTC  

let's look at the conversation here

2018-07-09 23:15:59 UTC  

Why? I dont care about him. He's obsessed.

2018-07-09 23:16:00 UTC

2018-07-09 23:16:21 UTC  


2018-07-09 23:16:25 UTC

2018-07-09 23:16:38 UTC  

There we go the correct context

2018-07-09 23:16:39 UTC  

that's pretty clearly sarcastic

2018-07-09 23:16:59 UTC  

No he's dead serious

2018-07-09 23:17:16 UTC  

calling you cute because you think that everyone else is wrong isn't sarcastic?

2018-07-09 23:17:17 UTC  

Which makes sense why he's so obsessed with me

2018-07-09 23:17:38 UTC  

Its untrue but yeah its not sarcastic

2018-07-09 23:17:47 UTC  

Like I said it explains his odd obsession with me

2018-07-09 23:17:56 UTC  

So clearly he's gay

2018-07-09 23:18:04 UTC  

And unfortunately for me

2018-07-09 23:19:52 UTC  

>the Jew mentions breeding with Jews as a downside

2018-07-09 23:20:39 UTC  

Im not jewish. The fact that you think I am is proof of your genetic disadvantage to your interbreeding family

2018-07-09 23:20:54 UTC  

>claims to be Jewish

2018-07-09 23:20:58 UTC  

>is lying now

2018-07-09 23:21:01 UTC  

Ok Jew

2018-07-09 23:21:18 UTC  

No I never claimed to be jewish

2018-07-09 23:21:28 UTC  

if I did I was clearly messing with you

2018-07-09 23:21:30 UTC  

>continuing to lie

2018-07-09 23:21:35 UTC  

It's in your genes

2018-07-09 23:21:36 UTC  

which is also proof of your poor genes

2018-07-09 23:21:43 UTC

2018-07-09 23:21:53 UTC  

No I didnt lie, I just messed with you

2018-07-09 23:22:03 UTC  

I forgot how poor your social skills are

2018-07-09 23:22:11 UTC

2018-07-09 23:22:35 UTC  

Boring game. Only massmen like you play it.

2018-07-09 23:22:51 UTC  

I wasnt pretending to be jewish

2018-07-09 23:22:59 UTC  

I was trolling for once

2018-07-09 23:23:34 UTC  

Because it was funny to see tools get so angry at getting destroyed by a jew all the time

2018-07-09 23:23:59 UTC  

>sperging out like the kike you are

2018-07-09 23:24:44 UTC  

The american calls me a sperg and a kike

2018-07-09 23:24:46 UTC  

Lol the irony

2018-07-09 23:26:46 UTC  

Im not the person who belongs to a country where 1 in 59 children have autism nor is my country allied to israel and nor is my country the most diverse country.

2018-07-09 23:27:48 UTC  

Yeah keep calling me a kike with your judeo-christian values, ape.

2018-07-09 23:43:33 UTC  

Lol im new. Why is everyone teaming up on not real communism?

2018-07-09 23:44:22 UTC  

Not real communism? Nobody.

2018-07-09 23:44:43 UTC  

Most massmen team up on me not him. Out of hatred or fear. Usually both.