Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 470006669271760896
@Mr. X you absolute nigger if you think socialism is a bubble you havent seen much of it
definitely a troll
@♡♡♡ what why did you ping brick
Mistake ping
if mr. e is a troll then I'd suggest blocking him
like I just did
@DA GOMMIE JOO Wow only 3 right wing servers?
See, thats proof of your ignorance right there.
only 3?
dude you're in only 3 right wing servers?
kill yourself
Looks like you just got trolled! By Mr. E!
maybe I should get a stormfront account
Anyway like I was saying, why should I bother convincing the ignorant? How would that benefit me?
@DA GOMMIE JOO dude im serious
kill youreslf
only 3
of course you are
Or even work with the ignorant?
hang on while I go prepare the noose
bro what are you staying in this server for what do you benefit from being here