Message from @Gotha
Discord ID: 471395217996513290
butthurt gommies
provide me with more nutricious butthurt
>everyone that disagrees is a commie and 14
While i do think that there is a new world order controlling pretty much everything
@Gotha You are being a fuckin idiot about it
says the GOMMIE LOL
libtards got owned ebic style
go steal a toothbrush
this is a sign of being a child
just being belligerent about their steven crowder addiction
your teeth probably smell like shit
I'm a Fascist
I get it you are trying to be funny and ironic here but its really not funny
I'm just here to see the other side of the argument
sign of being a CHILD said the guy getting butthurt over a discord message
One which you clearly don't want to even see and listen too
clearly a child
oh yes u are
gommie loser lol
"oh yes u are"
because of how btfo u are
You most probs watch jake paul unironicly
who said i was a 'gommie'?
im not btw
i just hate faggots
says the guy fixing my grammar constantly
what a dumbass lmao
there are many shitpost servers where you can make fun of everyone hating communists
its not funny here tho
u must be very self-spiteful then
*minor grammar mistake due to me being tired*
little alfred
*picks on it*
because u pick on mine
hypocrite retard
"hypocite retard"
>doesn't know the word "hypocrite"
Now i'm no English professor but...