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capitalism sure did turn africa into a paradise

2018-07-11 13:49:05 UTC [/leftypol/ International #ukrainian]  

quick reminder

2018-07-11 13:49:08 UTC [/leftypol/ International #ukrainian]

2018-07-11 13:53:04 UTC [/leftypol/ International #ukrainian]  

"war rape"

2018-07-11 13:53:17 UTC [/leftypol/ International #ukrainian]

UN itself is a meme

"the consitution written by your exploiters will definetly protect you from the very same exploiters!"

yeah sure, a bunch of unorganized people with **GUNS** sure will protect themselves from an organized, better-armed reactionary force.

mainly because it robs others of resources since the day of it's creation

yeah ok

an unorganized force of people raised in perfect, unhostile conditions on an open terrain

without ANY battle experience

quote pls

and eys

vietnam was receiving some heavy support from the USSR and China

including military instructors

no one will support the US in case of crisis

a single civil war would mean it's death and replacement with a more stable country

2018-07-11 14:07:45 UTC [/leftypol/ International #ukrainian]  

if someone aside from stalin took power after lenin, USSR wouldn't exist

2018-07-11 14:07:51 UTC [/leftypol/ International #ukrainian]  

the example of gorbachev has shown that perfectly well

"everyone would join in to support the world's #1 terrorist!"

aka traitors and rebels


slavers too

"if u dont like a fact from your country's history, LEAVE IT IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!"

id rather force you out of it

and your principals along with you

whenever running out of arguments


"isnt theirs"

they produce everything that the "business owners" own

and get only a small share of it

that's essentially stealing

"labor is worthless without the owner"

are you saying that the production value will suddenly dissapear along with the owner?


hiring teamsters, selling goods etc requires a ton of extra personnel

are you actually thinking that large business owners handle that shit on their own?


literally this

there have been examples of numerous economical systems where private ownership is not required

planned economy


north korea

>producing an operating nuclear warhead in terms of complete economical blockage

>"failed state!!!!!!!!!"

what genocide did the USSR, Cuba, and China commit again

holodomor was a famine, literally spread onto the entirety of the country, inclusing southern siberia

GULag is entirely an invention of world war 2 nazi propagandists, in reality they were essentially labor camps for criminals

only 600k political criminals were executed during that time

"taking away food from peasants who hurt other peasants"

aka Kulaks

"great leap forward"

the only deaths during that period were caused by some severe draughts and bad harvests at the time

literally nothing to do with political killin gs

all changes of regimes are followed by famines and draughts, because the entire way a country is governed is changed at the time

khmer rouge were ameritard puppets

who later invaded Vietnam

and if I name myself an eagle, then I sure will become an eagle

it is a democratic republic

because it represents the will of it's people

africa sure is the beacon of capitalism

as well as mexico, south-east asia, middle east, and south america

literally everywhere outside of europe, canada and the US, basically

felt like a troll

they dont post taht shit there

your country's prosperity is caused entirely by the fact that it robs other countries of their riches, and exploits their production value

detroit is the best place on earth

how to simulate economical growth:


maoist china


how did it


USSR sent the first person to space

built an amazing, free system of healthcare and education

had the largest, most effective army in the world

and no housing problem

50 million is a number invented by a russian collaborationist known by the name of "Kurganov"

you're essentially citing a nazi source right now

aside from that

according to the very same guy

50 million is the number of people killed from the time of the civil war, to the end of ww2

there isn't a valid source that provides any sufficient proof to the "mass killings in USSR"

all there is is speculation and emotion

6 gazillions peasants

how did the statistics name a population growth during the same period then?

killing kennedy immediately after he criticizes the FRS

then i offer you a state-provided ticket, comrade

did the US soldiers rape 20 thousand parisian girls during the "liberation" of france?

he already is, actually

looks fake

they are chechen terrorists in that picture

what exactly indicates that the mass graves were left by the soviets, and not the nazis

or white russians, for example?

your ideology keeps itself afloat by killing millions of people abroad




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