Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 288380509061513216
Antifa are anarchists, are u advocating anarchism?
not you Casimir
Lolbertarian xD
I mean, I believe in Liberty
Minarchy can work, anarchy - no
Ordered, authoritarian societies turn out the best
does your liberty mean less strict immigration?
> antifa are just anarchists
anarchists are all equally destructive
immigration violated the NAP
so no
They're anarcho communists.
My liberty means the freedom to own a gun, start a business without taxes up your ass, etc
same problems as ancap
Communists aren't people snake.png
I'm an Ancap leaning Minarchist. Anarchy can only work through successful human evolution.
what larp master said
I mean, I'm minarchist
they ignore nature in the nature v. nurture equation for a dogmatic concept, whether it be communism or capitalism is up to you.
Minarchy basically
I say lock up the borders, nix the welfare, ramp up the police and wait
good things will happen
I'd pay taxes for the police, and fire services
But paying taxes for fucking welfare leeches?
chimpouts will basically reduce the genepool
I'm just saying
reminder the income tax was 0% at one point
If welfare didn't exist in america
just get a homogeneous population, then 95% of the problems are solved
Are public transportation services in small cities too much?
You'd see no shitskins
when america was great
What about welfare for disabled people?
@Verm I would say they are the equivalent (or would like to think of themselves) as the red front fighters from those wonderful beer hall days in germany
someone will have to choose to sacrifice THEIR OWN wealth to take care of the disabled
not mine
I'm completely for the abolishment of welfare