Message from @PugSlugger
Discord ID: 522472989871046667
@DA GOMMIE JOO explain to me what a system of private ownership of the means of production has to do with authoritarian government actions
>something being new means its not natural
Nigger what?
@PugSlugger suddenly a very good point.
You're growing
Lol ok brainlet
>get btfo
>patronize the other person for blowing you out
@momothecactuslicker send me some pics
hahaha you're mom big poo
"I'd rather be self educated than be a cuck of a marxist who practically complains about his boss everyday on discord while working half of the day"
"I'd rather be unemployed and contribute nothing to society and think I'm somehow better than a person with a job because I'm not a marxist"
>not retarded
😂 👌
@Buy me a pc you stfu, inbred
Can we talk about how the media is blatantly anti white?
Anyway some frenchmen just got shot by a muslim
And now they think hes going to germany to shoot some more cucks
this guy was under surveillance and police went to his house to arrest him as he was on his way to strasbourg iirc
nothing says "blue lives matter" quite like letting a known terrorist shoot up a market because you were a few minutes late
>implying its the polices fault and not the kike politicians pouring millions of savages into the country
what the hell
marx might have given birth to a flop of an ideology, but he was a based political commentator
read his essay on the 1852 coup
and of course, there's his completion of hegel
Don't push anti-communism to the point of being a sectarian idiot who calls everything related to communism utter garbage
>the people who expanded the already extensive terror laws are at fault for terror
terreur is what we need
Everything except for workers rights is pants on head retarded
then the best way for workers to guarantee themselves their rights in the workplace is to organize and collectively own the workplace
i.e. socialism
so based and redpilled