Message from @Headshots

Discord ID: 526275769190842380

2018-12-23 05:47:00 UTC  

What matters is their ideas which would benefit everyone.

2018-12-23 05:47:11 UTC  

Whites, jews, blacks, asians, and everyone else.

@Headshots but eventually Constantine played around it and created the Roman Catholic Church

2018-12-23 05:47:56 UTC  

What a genius

But then, the Papacy was also stupid at times.

2018-12-23 05:48:19 UTC  

Look at that alpha

Their witch hunt on cats only caused more misery due to the Black Death.

2018-12-23 05:48:50 UTC  

this video explains it well

2018-12-23 05:49:11 UTC

2018-12-23 05:49:11 UTC

2018-12-23 05:49:15 UTC  
2018-12-23 05:49:19 UTC  


2018-12-23 05:49:19 UTC  


2018-12-23 05:49:41 UTC  

and the massacre of millions of pagans done by the christians .christianity was never supposed to be in europe @Лт. Бакугоу Катсуки (казненный)

2018-12-23 05:50:16 UTC  

Paganism is the religion of the land. Make it so again.

2018-12-23 05:50:22 UTC  


2018-12-23 05:50:34 UTC  

And quit shitting on Jews, no one cares if all the "communist leaders" were Jews.

2018-12-23 05:50:46 UTC  

Communism wouldn't benefit Jewish Bankers since we'd do away with banks anyways.

2018-12-23 05:52:01 UTC  

@TheTeacher What kind of pagan are you?

2018-12-23 05:52:19 UTC  

You are one, right?

@Adolf Hitler I think anyone "right-winger" who said "Hitler defended Christian Europe" is a plain idiot. Look at the top brass fanatics of the SS. Most of them were occultists and pagans.

2018-12-23 05:52:27 UTC

2018-12-23 05:53:05 UTC  

@TheTeacher Follow your leader

2018-12-23 05:53:09 UTC  

Yes, I am I Pagan. The type I am is... uh... well, I used to be an Odinist but now I just think death is an illusion since I no longer view time as linear.

2018-12-23 05:53:24 UTC  

Okay, I will guillotine Jeff Bezos.

2018-12-23 05:53:37 UTC  


2018-12-23 05:54:07 UTC  

Jeb Bush will lead us to victory

2018-12-23 05:54:10 UTC  


2018-12-23 05:55:00 UTC  

Nice NPC meme, I have one of my own.

2018-12-23 05:55:54 UTC  


2018-12-23 05:56:07 UTC  

Jews controlled everything and did everything in history, got it.

2018-12-23 05:56:11 UTC  

and im sure theres a better list of this that has more information

2018-12-23 05:56:27 UTC  

yeah its just a coincidence @TheTeacher

2018-12-23 05:56:46 UTC  

Tell me all about how you'll establish a white ethnostate.

2018-12-23 05:57:10 UTC  

Remember everyone, I am a white man.

2018-12-23 05:59:47 UTC  

Don't forget to get your ethnostate membership card for 5 cents off your next gallon of gas.

2018-12-23 06:00:29 UTC  

Oh yeah, my bad. I keep leaving it at home.

2018-12-23 06:00:48 UTC  

They were willing to look past my Hopi grandfather because I have skin that's pale as shit, blond hair, and blue eyes.