Message from @Borzo
Discord ID: 530113775961899028
she was about as subtle as a brick hitting a car windshield
>make up newspeak dictionary
>try to claim ebil porky is making newspeak
When the term "wealthsplaining" catches on you know the brainwashing of the left is complete
@PugSlugger you ever read 1984?
1984 is shit
The concepts it presents are really good though
only on language
the hypothetical society is unrealistic
run home boy
I read a bit of it.
the author of 1984 is a demsoc
Got bored about halfway in
brave new world is more realistic in how totalitarianism can be created
@PugSlugger fair enough
1984 has a really slow boil, I'll admit
@PugSlugger Dude the end is the best part.
through indulgence
You can really just read the fucking cliffnotes
man you are so easy to bait
Its not that amazing
Thus Spoke Zarathustra may be the best piece of fiction of all time for real though
I did read through animal farm though
animal farm is a good one
Now time to read Homage To Catalonia <:rbl:312038341736529923>
nietzsche btfos nerds
It blurs the lines so well that you could define it in some other way
I did read homage to catalonia all the way through as well
@pajama boy You don't get Nietzsche at all
I wouldnt hold up george orwell as some kind of political genius because he was a retarded lefty
Define who the Last Men were
and I have to say that orwell is a certifiable badass after he legit survived being shot in the neck
Hes a fag