Message from @pajama boy
Discord ID: 530115808555171875
It's based on Myers and Briggs two females who stole shit from Jung
Big surprise
Meyer Briggs my nigga
Women cant think
It was debunked decades ago
try it
see if its accurate
mr. e is on some fifth-dimensional bullshit
it’s just too complicated bro you wouldn’t get it
I’m really deeeep
@Mr. X *muffled linkin park in the distance*
Holy shit how can Mr E be so based and yet so fucking gay?
>its the gubmints fault i dont have a gf
ancap explained
No u
@pajama boy based Rohm poster
Being gay is a sin against nature
Whats the best political compass test?
I wanna take it
Politiscales @PugSlugger
if you still fall for the trap of natal women you are retarded tbh
Gay people tend to manifest mood disorders and anxiety disorders far more than straight people
@Stalin it is in the bingo
bottom right
Holy shit
My balls