Message from @DA GOMMIE JOO
Discord ID: 540527461490753571
your own source for the death camps proves you wrong
you cant even track the 2 ppl in the chat, do you think you can track something that contains 6 gorrilion ?
"A range of geophysical surveying tools also exists, including ground penetrating radar, resistance survey and electrical imaging. However, no geophysical methods will reveal conclusively what is below the soil - they do not detect human remains. "
ground penetrating radar doesn't detect human remains, you would expect to see nothing if you used in in treblinka
what if those remains are bellow the soil 😄 😄
your a low iq religious zealot in the religion of holocaustianity
you do pick up remains with that radar
they lie
@Offender so the people who use the radar don't know what it does?
Why are there Anti Communists here even?
"the treblinka radar shows that there were no human remains!"
"radar doesn't detect human remains, here's an expert who uses radar explaining it"
with one hand, you beg to not be silenced
the other hand remains clamped over the mouth of anyone who disagrees with you, branded a "kike"
@Aca to epicly troll and trigger us.
That's just being a dick for no reason
Who would do that?
@DA GOMMIE JOO ground penatrating radar picks up remains. period. if they claim it doesnt they lied
everyone who works in the radar business takes a jewish oath
no here is the thing
ground penatrating radar picks up remains
and nobody in over 70 years has broken that oath
so some one saying that it doesnt is lying
ground penetrating radar does not detect human remains
those arrows just mean disturbance of soil
So it picks up the remains
the soil was undisturpt
you lose
I'm still watching the video, hold your horses
here is the thing, these hick students can figure it out
but the ((("pros"))) cant lmao
ground penetrating radar can detect the coffin, but not the remains
here is the thing, the ground was not disturped
you are arguing a strawmen like a jew