Message from @PugSlugger
Discord ID: 542094943993331712
Yooo your number is 1337
bruh moment
Pretty redpilled
Woke up quick
At about noon
Just thought that i gotta be in compton soon
I gotta get drunk before my day begins
Before my mother starts bitchin about my friends
Out the door damn near went blind
Young niggas at the pad throwin up gang signs
Ran in my house and grabbed my clip
With the mac 10 on the side of my hip
Such is life in the mind of the North American Pavement Ape
How dare you question American lifestyle
He was the only real rapper at the time
I mean gangster rapper
The rest were posers
Bobby shmurda is an actual criminal but hes in prison now
@PugSlugger biggie smalls and Tupac were based
The Rap game is so "toxic" because it requires people to be "real" meaning they have to actually live the violent hedonistic lifestyles they rap about.
Rap culture is really cancerous
I admit there are elements of that sort of thing in other genres of music, but rap, specifically American rap is the chief culprit.
who the fuck pinged
goddamn nagger
goddamn negg
@Apple Pie rap is fine. Its gangster rap thats a problem
A, it is noise
B the music industry is a scam and you have to do gangsterrap or they wont contract you
or even give you radio time
Fellow hammer sickle and wheel how are you
death grips is the best rap
no exceptions
Underwear is a government conspiracy