Message from @Sir Harndes
Discord ID: 601897487271329794
Don't even start talking about squating m8
Mine has short hair but I've always been into the tomboy kinda thing
*kinda* ghey but not *Gay*
What's wrong with squatting
Lol don't know why tomboy girls really get me
I like my women like I like my coffee
Hot, black, and made by my momma
Pure poetry
One of my exes, Ari, was a QT
Tomboy and everything
But, alas, she *fuqqed* my homeboi
So I killed them both
I succed it up like a bitch
Dumped her ass and took a break for a while
Fuck them thots
Bitches like me
I hate it
perhaps we shall take this elsewhere, back to random chat?
Almost every brazilian girl is a bitch tbh
I like my women like i like my coffee
Without a dick
I like my women as I like my meat
I like to beat it?
Bloody and full of knives
Calm down there Jack the Fucken Ripper
*Also medium chest w/ tomboy legs is just perf*
I like my women catholic and red headed
I like my women like I like my Belle Delphine's Instagram
Fuckin banned
But what do procreation
No man has the power to produce a child
We'll cross that bridge when we get there
I’ve only ever found one woman I truly love, she’s as intelligent as me, and has grown up shootings and doing martial arts like me, with a gorgeous mind and body, not my equal, because she’s better than me in my opinion. My former relationships have nothing to compare to her. You just need a good woman and your eyes will open, a true partner and not someone that’s just with you for lust, or convenience is a true blessing.