Message from @thedarkness05
Discord ID: 661349854185783377
So why he dark
Its a joke about alt rightists being non white yet still preaching white pride
I see
I missed the whole joke
The joke to me is the alt right is a joke
Good things happen to stupid people
I once told my ex-gf that bigmouth was made by jewish pedophiles and she got mad at me cus she likes that show
It had to have been
i do think Nick Kroll is a funny dude generally but that show is degenerate
Ok, but it's kinda true
It's an awful show
his old show, Kroll Show was fucking hilarious
Not funny at all, shits .... not even awkwardly funny. Awkwardly funny is moonrise kingdom by wes anderson. Big mouth is just.... I wonder about Kroll. Seriously
I didn't even like it. It was retarded
Made me want to find some rope
And a vehicle
I like how anime sexualized guns
very cool and hip
i wish i was more into anime but i just cant make myself
nah, it's fine, it's really not for everyone
I can't. The boondocks is the closest thing i can do
I mean I dont like the cute, dumb, or slice of life shit. But if we talking some real kickass shit then we good. Jormungand is one of those guilty pleasures of mine
I like the cute dumb shit because I've become jaded af
Jormugand and black lagoon is good shit
and black lagoon has one of the more decent english dubs
Isn't that like the world snake?
yeah, I've only seen scenes, but it's about mercenaries or weapons dealers yeah?
Yeah, it is. But its the name of an anime. About an international arms dealer chick who wants world peace, and her child soldier bodyguard who hates weapons and arms dealers
That sounds not bad tbh
I'm actually downloading it atm, but seeders are slow
that maid in black lagoon that had a shit ton of frag grenades in her skirt was hot