Message from @VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT
Discord ID: 661349551466086440
Boi, it fucking should be
pol and lefty pol in one pic
Im lost by the colors tho
Like aren't most right wingers racist?
Yes i am
So why he dark
Its a joke about alt rightists being non white yet still preaching white pride
I see
I missed the whole joke
The joke to me is the alt right is a joke
Good things happen to stupid people
I once told my ex-gf that bigmouth was made by jewish pedophiles and she got mad at me cus she likes that show
i do think Nick Kroll is a funny dude generally but that show is degenerate
Ok, but it's kinda true
It's an awful show
his old show, Kroll Show was fucking hilarious
I've only seen clips n stills of big mouth, not a fan. Real men watch anime
Not funny at all, shits .... not even awkwardly funny. Awkwardly funny is moonrise kingdom by wes anderson. Big mouth is just.... I wonder about Kroll. Seriously
I didn't even like it. It was retarded
Made me want to find some rope
And a vehicle
I like how anime sexualized guns
very cool and hip
i wish i was more into anime but i just cant make myself
nah, it's fine, it's really not for everyone
I can't. The boondocks is the closest thing i can do
I mean I dont like the cute, dumb, or slice of life shit. But if we talking some real kickass shit then we good. Jormungand is one of those guilty pleasures of mine
I like the cute dumb shit because I've become jaded af
Jormugand and black lagoon is good shit
and black lagoon has one of the more decent english dubs