Message from @P I L L A R M A N
Discord ID: 575131092101627954
I need some asg for larp anyone can recoment something that won't fuck up in sand and dirt and vodka?
Go steal an actual AK from your uncle
We aren't free until we can have an m60
Well i need to shot it at ppl so not this time
But remind me about stealing AK at my school reunion
For legal reasons this is a joke
It is purely for looks with this asg most guns shoot the same
M60s are fun
I remember training with them on a deployment workup with mounted M60 on an uparmored humvee
They're way cooler than the shitty M249s we use
^M60 master race
I'd still practically use an M240L
For weight purposes
But there's just something about those M60E3s
Hell ya
aloha snackbar inshallah
love opfor tranning thats what my reserve unit does
play opfor and test ship watch standers
fun af
I see someone is also man of holopoints
but of course
a man of class if you will
not exactly guns but
close enough
even better
Bananananananananannanaa clip