Message from @насильственное убийство
Discord ID: 614468553566978091
any decent man
Fav semi auto rifle?
my favorite rifle period is my marlin 60 because I'm a small child
second fave is G3
Ar infinite attachments
I had dream once that I had an old-school Galil ARM but chambered in 8mm Mauser
Lol wtf
So a m70 basically
M76 is the one that uses 8mm Mauser
Bet it jams twice as much
Serious question, did the 5.45 hype die down? is it still available? or is it impossible to get now?
Plentiful online
I buy lots of it
Ahh, where at? I.. have a friend.... With an ak
Aimsurplus has tula
Don't buy their wolf
It's a 223 in a 545 case
Won't feed for shit
Lmao I saw that one I was laughing
Not sure why you are having issues posting, you need to update the app maybe
What should i name her
Give her a name that gives her respect. Something that when you shoulder her, she becomes an extension of yourself.
She's like any other girl; treat her well, and she'll take good care of you
This is riley
That’s dope
Stock says lucky irene
Sometime this year, I plan on building an AK. Any websites to suggest and certain parts?