Message from @VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT
Discord ID: 619070757842190336
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
And the 🌞
Praise the Sun
Furries make great vlad-esque lawn decorations
What'd you say about my dick? I can't hear you over the sound of my 10 inch lifted 8x8 20 cylinder 30000 decibal truuuuuuuck yeeeyeeeeeeeee
I gotta find the pic, but some dude in my town no joke has a 20ft tall truck and needs a hydraulic running board to get into the cabin
Unholy fuck
F for respects
Not funny, medically fascinating
Like Im 6'4, and I was at head level with his undercarriage
Shit was wack
Thats ridiculous
There's no reason for that
Look at the horror. Look at it
Neither do I, but manlet harry has forced this upon us because of his insecurities
I want to fight him so bad
Idek why
I'm pretty sure its illegal to beat up the disabled
Im pretty sure its a crime to be this disabled and left alone
Where are his care takers
You wanna know what's worse? That man has reproduced, but silver lining is if he can get laid anyone can
Oh god.
Im scared
For his children
They at least look embarrassed when they rolled into downport
I definitely would be
You can't stop the smol benis of that ma
Friendly reminder that despite being outnumbered three to one, Armenia still managed to cause 3x as many casualties
Man, sometimes motherfuckers be actually badass and brave as fuck.
Turkroaches need not apply
I want to mention that we shot down 47 aircraft, when we had only 3 of our own
We had practically no Air Force