Message from @VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT
Discord ID: 622675476514865162
(2nd attempt at a garden)
it's a start!
I really need to grow potatoes in my garden. And maybe some tobacco and hot peppers while Im at it
I need to start a garden period
more ferts more nitr
Oh yes
I've stolen that
I wasn't sure if it's been posted (did a quick scroll up) and figured someone would appreciate it
I really want that Cobra Grenade Fuck Round Find Out in flag format. . . mmmmmhhhh 👌
Hol up
Hey viking i had one more over in general can u meme for me again
Was it this one
I can't find it now
Ill refind
Try screening it again or resaving it
Im trying lmao
I had to fuck around with that last Gadsen to do it (l o l)
A true king.
Was it this one?
Good because i was havin a hellava time
Me too lmao
Its chill tho
Thanks tho
Np home skillet
Time to kill
In minecraft of course
NY makes it so that undocumented immigrants can get driver's license though it doesn't say they get insurance I hate my state with a burning passion