Message from @VI/K/INGinnaTRENCH/K/OAT
Discord ID: 622673092178870272
I want to mention that we shot down 47 aircraft, when we had only 3 of our own
We had practically no Air Force
I love him
The goodest lil battle buddy
(2nd attempt at a garden)
it's a start!
I really need to grow potatoes in my garden. And maybe some tobacco and hot peppers while Im at it
I need to start a garden period
more ferts more nitr
Oh yes
I wasn't sure if it's been posted (did a quick scroll up) and figured someone would appreciate it
I really want that Cobra Grenade Fuck Round Find Out in flag format. . . mmmmmhhhh 👌
Hol up
Hey viking i had one more over in general can u meme for me again
Yeah, I think i tried and it spazzed
Was it this one
I can't find it now
Ill refind
Try screening it again or resaving it
Im trying lmao
I had to fuck around with that last Gadsen to do it (l o l)
A true king.
Was it this one?
Good because i was havin a hellava time