Message from @Trash Squid
Discord ID: 575134878345986069
Not as bad as it would have been if I wasn't backing out of my driveway
what did they park in the way or did you not see them
lmao not a scratch on the truck
They were in the court
American steel
oh damn that sucks
and ya dude old trucks are unstoppable
In other news, anyone wanna buy my truck? My wife's been telling me I don't need two vehicles 5ever now
wish i got my granddads old truck but his shit head son sold it before i could get to it
oof i need a truck with as much shit as i get into
1600 out the door
Needs a Tranny Cooler attached to the radiator to stop a tranny leak, and the AC needs recharge
Otherwise? Solid truck
noice probbly gonna be easy to sell
>be me
>be going to college
>things not going great for a list of reasons
>Trump tax plan goes into effect
>April 15th, 2019
>fine out that unless I take two classes under Trump tax plan, they'll take more money out of my family's taxes because no more deductions capabilities
>realize I've got no other options or moves left since GPA dropped too low to take out more loans
>run codeblack.exe
>browse all branches
>decide on Marine Corps
>going to MEPS tomorrow
>recruiters and friends in the military be like dude things will be fine, low chances of war
>reading about Venezuela
Embrace the suck
about time to lower the oil prices boys
love me some rip it
this is the best but i can never find them
I have a hard enough time finding the oranges
Bang is my go to
yee saw a gas station put yut out a signe might go see
ya i enjoy bang
i rotate thoes and monster mostly
I feel like a 40 something boomer for drinking monster javas now lmao
lmao same
me and the bois and the shop call it boomer juice
still drink it htough
Honestly I'm hype
Dude I've been trying to tell myself not to hop on a plane and head south lol
we just sent a hospital ship down there
South American Intervention 2: Electric Boogaloo
Starring AKAlexei