Message from @DAnteForneus
Discord ID: 601871251048235018
It really easy to pick up married women cuz their husbands don't give a shit about them
Kill her and eat her meat
Protein man
Hit the gym after it
You should feel pity for the poor sap that decided to indulge her immature way of revenge
If she'll stoop that low with you, she's bound to do it to him
Just kidding
But DAnte said right
If she does shit, do the same shit she did
Trust me on this one it will fuck her up too
Don't do the same shit she did lol
You have, sorry
Nothing to lose
She doesn't deserve aby respect
But i'm going tbh don't do it it sucks and don't go as low as her
Nothing to lose
You can go hook up with some chick to get this girl off your mind but don't start a relationship out of spite because you'll just be wasting time by avoiding the healing process
Funny shit is I could easily fuck his mother. She's a whore.
And that won't get my mind off what I lost
Yo I mean, don't betray another girl
And show them this recording
If she do shit to you, kiss or fuck another girl
Casual stuff
Just let it heal
Don't do anything stupid like i did
Be the nicest guy to another girl
But if the fuck you up
Be the most dickhead in the universe
This is kind of a long one, so I don't blame anyone that doesn't reads it all.
I am kind of a combination between a late bloomer and a total retard when it comes to social shit. I always got sad in high school because I would see classmates in relationships and there I was alone and just wanting to kinda have a gf.
I got my first gf at 21 (aug last year) and was excited because I finally got what I wanted. I was never desperate about it, but just kinda sad because I thought i was missing out. But at 21 i thought it was also great because that would mean that I was more mature and not as driven by hormones as any teen relationship would. I was also very clear that I was serious about the relationship and was not looking for anything casual which she also said was what she was looking for.
At the start it was something great, and I gave her lots of gifts (nothing big and fancy, stuff like little necklaces or makeup and that sort of thing) and i met her family and got along great.
And after february was when thing took a turn, she started to give short answers yo mesagges and things like that, and removed that thing that shows "last online". Going out with her felt like she was trying to be there but wanted not to. And after a while, i insisted to talk in person but she didn't want to, and so we where having serious talks on messenger because "if it's important doesn't matter if it's texting" and i just felt wrong with that stuff.
The thing that made me sort of realize what was going on when she said (in a text) that "if i still had depression even though i was dating her then it's not worth doing so". And the thing is i always told her that I had that problem, and that i had it way before knowing her. We also never had sex because i have body issues and find myself disgusting, even after she asked several times to do it. Just once i felt kind of in the mood and she denied it.
The breakup lasted three days because she "misunderstood" what I had said and thought i was angry but still wanted to be with her.
After the breakup my friends started telling me that she was very manipulative (and I didn't see it) and started telling me how and they where right. I almost every weekend went to her house to spend time with her and if i went on public transport i had to get up at 5 because i lived between 2 - 2:30 hours away, and she didn't let me go after 8pm (and the last bus to my house leaves 10pm, so if i was lucky and ran between metro stations i would barely catch the bus).
But she wouldn't go to my house. The only times she came i had to drive to her house (which costed ~80 pesos in road fees plus gas) and bring her to my house.
I also stopped going out with my friends because she wanted to do something with me, and when I hung out with them she got mad because she thought i was ignoring her on purpose, so i basically had to be at my phone even if i was out with frinds.
I also lost a friend because she liked me but didn't told me after i was with my gf.
After we broke up she told me she didn't want to talk to me again because that would be hurtful to both of us, but then she started messagimg me again anf saying that if i ever talk about her it has to be nicd thing and such.
I sort of vowed to myself to be single for at least until i had bettered myself (thing that i was planning on doig this summer but failed), but now just out of nowhere i start to realize that now i'm falling for my one of my friends.
She was really supportive of me during my relationship and gave me some advice when things started to go wrong. I fpund out i can tell her almost anything and she would understand and suport. I now realize that maybe my ex might have been jealous of her too.
She also shares some issues with me (like depression, anxiety and body image issues) and comfort each other when we can.
Every time we part ways she hugs me really hard and realize that my ex didn't do that and sometimes didn't want to hold hands when walking.
I'm just afraid of falling in love with her and ruining our friendship.
Everything that went wrong with my ex happened; my grades tanked, i went back to hate myself and worsen my depressiom, gained a fuckton of weight and now i also feel broken
I don't know what to do
Also, please forgive English lol
@Dr Meme just meet her
You gotta do what is in your best interest. Friendships with women are NEVER worth not trying for a relationship, take my advise. Men and women, for the most part, are mentally incompatable
Tldr: my ex messed me up and now i might fall in love with a friend
like know her really well
better then yourself