Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 575118347692408846
*Rhodesians Never Die intensifies*
*bless the rains down in Africa plays*
Tactical silkies gang rise up
Time to take Rhodesia bois
@Trash Squid you gonna bring the lords chicken to the savages? Lmao
lmao of course
I'm down for slotting floppies
my man
We're gonna need some short shorts... and a lot of them
And as much baby shit paint as we can get our filthy hands on
i got mine alredy
At least 3 pairs apiece my man
Of course
Just so happens i have em lol
i have plenty
This seems like a decent server. Last /k/ server I was in was eh
its kinda a /k/ & patriot server
ahhh fuck ya
you guys like mine
put on the shorts and all lol
Shit was legit
It's a server that eats Liberals <:boomer:512863208659484693>
Might turn ya into a meme later
haha doit nerd
Lul wait one
need to add boomer, doomer, and zoomer emotes
love thoes shits
Speaking of doomer
<:Todd:514232691445727242> <:ricardo:508373141446328320> <:atf:461039454128177152>
COWABUNGA it isn't
<:Rhodie:554820608962068528> <:NoCanada:554814407306117120> <:HONK:565269749697871872> <:NOANIME:452597365208252467> <:shooty:499384761953812482> <:sadhands:555873770410344469> <:knowdesire:503438353518034944> <:boomer:512863208659484693> <:brainlet:521853888999981057> <:allofthem:499389737342337055>