Message from @DAnteForneus
Discord ID: 575408695450796067
Man you guys are making me wish my waiver got approved
I tried to go Marines out of Highschool and got yeeted because of my eyesight, which looking back, a bit of a blessing because I literally was Trombley
But tried again last year for Navy
Wanted to be a Corpsman
Still yeeted
Your boi found the juice
My favorite ones too
How the fuck i'm supposted to use yeet in the past tense?
I should use yeeted or yote?
@AKAlexei have you already decided on what mos you wanted?
is the past tense
I think you just use yeet in every tense
Getting too complicated with it
nah it has a past tense its yoted
lol i wouldn't
its not a real word its just slang
Hide your power level
Horrible idea
They will know yur a gamer
I know but sometimes they give use write 100 word on something so i could write about using slang word "yeet"
Gamers rise up
And you use gamer words
"Mom wont let us use the Xbox, GAMERS RISE UP"
"Teacher won't let me say yeet, fortnite that bitch"
we truly are the most oppressed people
top kek
Honk white brothers
Life isn't a joke, the journalist who wrote this is
ayy that's American identity movement
Identity Europa was a way better name