Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 584221663944769536
ReAl CoMmUnIsM HaSnT BeEn TrIeD
dropped my favorite pic of communism
Screenshot that shit
I'm not on my Facebook atm
I wanna see
oddly slow with the response now
i love how not alot of people knoow about the "meat" markets
I wonder if Russian babooshka is tasty or not
(Had to)
Bet he retreated to his safe space
See these guys? THIS is what it is to be working class. Not that fucking douche
ya i love when they talk of the working class
Guys like that really annoy me because they are exactly the type of people that think that if a Communist revolution ever took place in the United States, they would automatically be gifted with some kind of well paying, well-to-do job that would require very little manual labor on their parts. In other words, they would basically be nothing more than glorified, card carrying party members. The truth is if a Communist revolution ever did take place in the United States, those idiots who think that about themselves would probably end up as nothing more than menial labor
Even though that I am a libertarian socialist, or at least that's what my political ideology is most closely associated with, I am actually working class. I have experienced poverty. I know what it is to not know where the food money is going to be coming from, and I'd actually know how much a gallon of milk a costs. So when I see idiots like that, my 1st thought is wow, you really have no idea what any of these movements actually are
It's ironic because even though that by the standards that I think most of you probably would have, I am an absolute leftist. But I share in your complete disdain for communism, primarily because of the fact that These people that promote its are exactly the type of people that would end up becoming people like Stalin
Like, it's funny because they are always the 1st to say that true communism has never been tried and that there has never actually been a true Communist state, but that statement right there already proves that they would absolutely become the next Stalin because it already shows that they completely misunderstand Marx
The man literally wrote that communism is supposed to be a post capitalist stateless, classless
libertarian socialist
wtf is that
thoes words dont mix
Sorry, I'm using a dictator mechanism on my phone to type because I'm driving and it's causing typos
You know, I always thought the exact same thing, but then I started actually reading up on it and the concept behind it is really interesting. To put it simply, libertarian socialism is basically a school of thought of socialism that rejects the idea of centralizing all of the power over the societie and the economy with the government's. So instead of having a command economy where the government controls everything and private property is all but abolished, you get something that actually has a chance of success. It's not perfect, obviously, but it does have some interesting ideas and also some badd ideas no different than any other political ideology. Also on the subject of the words contradicting one another, there is actually some interesting history behind the phrase. It's really only in the United States that's libertarianism is actually associated with capitalism and the right wing as a whole. All the way into the 1800s and even the 1900s, libertarianism was actually associated with leftist anti-authoritarian movements. So that includes anarchists some of these socialist movements, and a few others
And anyway, I am not actually someone who refers to themselves as a libertarian socialist because as I said, I have my own school of thought that is not entirely in agreements with several aspects of libertarian socialism. But it is what my ideology most closely can be described as
i want 0 social programs
I actively refer to myself as a nationalist. Communists are my. Natural enemies
And before anyone makes the joke, noe, I do not believe it in seizing the means of production
i want raw survival
1776 style