Message from @Hellhound6

Discord ID: 584224881198104586

2019-06-01 03:33:40 UTC  

libertarian socialist

2019-06-01 03:33:43 UTC  

wtf is that

2019-06-01 03:33:51 UTC  

thoes words dont mix

2019-06-01 03:34:07 UTC  

Sorry, I'm using a dictator mechanism on my phone to type because I'm driving and it's causing typos

2019-06-01 03:36:26 UTC  

You know, I always thought the exact same thing, but then I started actually reading up on it and the concept behind it is really interesting. To put it simply, libertarian socialism is basically a school of thought of socialism that rejects the idea of centralizing all of the power over the societie and the economy with the government's. So instead of having a command economy where the government controls everything and private property is all but abolished, you get something that actually has a chance of success. It's not perfect, obviously, but it does have some interesting ideas and also some badd ideas no different than any other political ideology. Also on the subject of the words contradicting one another, there is actually some interesting history behind the phrase. It's really only in the United States that's libertarianism is actually associated with capitalism and the right wing as a whole. All the way into the 1800s and even the 1900s, libertarianism was actually associated with leftist anti-authoritarian movements. So that includes anarchists some of these socialist movements, and a few others

2019-06-01 03:37:27 UTC  

And anyway, I am not actually someone who refers to themselves as a libertarian socialist because as I said, I have my own school of thought that is not entirely in agreements with several aspects of libertarian socialism. But it is what my ideology most closely can be described as

2019-06-01 03:38:17 UTC  

i want 0 social programs

2019-06-01 03:38:21 UTC  

I actively refer to myself as a nationalist. Communists are my. Natural enemies

2019-06-01 03:38:21 UTC  

And before anyone makes the joke, noe, I do not believe it in seizing the means of production

2019-06-01 03:38:29 UTC  

i want raw survival

2019-06-01 03:38:33 UTC  

1776 style

2019-06-01 03:38:42 UTC  

only thing goverment does is defend us

2019-06-01 03:38:47 UTC  

and fight things

2019-06-01 03:39:12 UTC  

Kick the govt in the dick
Rebuild it
Do it better

2019-06-01 03:39:18 UTC  

yee yee

2019-06-01 03:39:54 UTC  

I just want my compound with tunnels leading to my homies houses

2019-06-01 03:40:08 UTC  

I just want my girlfriend to have access to planned parenthood and Medicaid for the healthcare of the baby, for our friends to be able to smoke weed, more unions, and lots of gun rights

2019-06-01 03:40:37 UTC  

I also wouldn't mind corporations paying their taxes

2019-06-01 03:40:38 UTC

2019-06-01 03:40:54 UTC  

Kinda wanna use this but that would be political

2019-06-01 03:41:06 UTC  

Fuck it

2019-06-01 03:41:08 UTC  

Do it

2019-06-01 03:41:20 UTC  

the reason corporations dont pay alot is becase how much they create

2019-06-01 03:41:25 UTC  

"Just as the forefathers intended"

2019-06-01 03:41:29 UTC  

roads jobs cause new homes to be built

2019-06-01 03:41:44 UTC  

make whole new cities

2019-06-01 03:41:56 UTC  

No, it's because they got rid of all the taxes and regulations on them starting in the 70s through lobbyists

2019-06-01 03:41:58 UTC  

they take off taxes so long as they create

2019-06-01 03:42:02 UTC  

And buying congressmembers

2019-06-01 03:42:20 UTC  

unregulated is the best regulation

2019-06-01 03:43:28 UTC  

Dude, look at the 2019 budget. They paid only 7% of all the revenue for the government, while we paid 49% in income tax and 37%in payroll. Meanwhile job and economic growth is barely fluctuating. They talk about that all the time on every financial news channel and paper.

2019-06-01 03:43:35 UTC  

What exactly are they creating?

2019-06-01 03:43:41 UTC  


2019-06-01 03:44:12 UTC  

not to mention why are any of us paying so much fucking tax

2019-06-01 03:44:17 UTC  

But that's my point they're not. The job growth doesn't correlate anywhere near with the amount they retain from not paying taxes

2019-06-01 03:44:20 UTC  

we had a whole ass war over this

2019-06-01 03:44:25 UTC  

WE should be the ones not paying taxes

2019-06-01 03:44:32 UTC  

Corporations are not people

2019-06-01 03:45:06 UTC  

true they get rights like them though

2019-06-01 03:45:13 UTC  

for so odd reason

2019-06-01 03:45:25 UTC  

We had a war over a 3% tax

They get 28% of my paycheck.

GW woulda been stacking bodies by now