Message from @TipsyTactician
Discord ID: 598876638910087190
Has anyone seen disneys cars?
y'know with the racecars and shit and they are sentient?
So they made a spinoff called planes
which takes place in the universe
Yes this is true
Main character's mentor is a F4U corsair right
Uh huh
The mentors story is that he was a top ace of his squadron and the only survivor which means WW2 happend in the cars universe
Which means there was a Cars Hitler, a Cars holocaust, a Cars Pacific War, a Cars D-Day, a Cars nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a Cars Battle of Iwo Jima
This leads to so many important questions
Were the Nukes sentient?
Was it a suicide mission?
It’s entirely possible
Was there a cars 9/11? Were the planes hijacked or were they radicalized?
So i googled
apparently theres a part in cars 2 where the cars are taking off their wheels and shit at an airport for a tsa
which implies that there was a 9/11
Right right
I demand a movie version of cars 1900 to now
with every bit of darkness possible
Lol well they’re making a jigaboo mermaid now so it’s within the realm of possibility
That's true
I just wanna know if car bush did 9/11
@Jaroslav do research or ask someone here before you do it
But go do it
Well that was a read lol
@TipsyTactician the actual theory behind cars is that the humans were here and did all that then created ai that took over so they had to leave earth as you see in walle. Who is the last robot on earth so they come back to earth at the end of the movie. Cars is just about the lives of the sentient beings we created.
I also like smoking meth
Lol I feel that on a personal level
I enjoy cocaine but to each there own
Good it was specifically at @MistahDylan
What's up bois?
Smoke break
It’s day 12 without a day off. Boutta screen some seafood for an hour then take my ass to bed.
Sorry for being so dead recently but work is fucking me hard right now